Primary Department
School of Chemical Sciences
Emeritus Professor - Materials and Sensor Chemistry
Glasnevin Campus
Academic biography
Dermot Diamond received his Ph.D. and D.Sc. from Queen’s University Belfast and joined DCU in 1987. He was Vice-President for Research at Dublin City University (2002-2004) and was director (2007-2015) and founding member of the National Centre for Sensor Research ( at DCU. Awards include;
• The inaugural silver medal for Sensor Research by the Royal Society of Chemistry, London (2002).
• The DCU President’s Award for Research Excellence (2006)
• The DCU President’s Award for Innovation (2015).
• Admitted to Membership of the Royal Irish Academy (2014).
• The Boyle Higgins Gold Medal by the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland (2015).
• His contributions to music, arts and culture were recognized by the award of an honorary Doctorate by Ulster University (DLitt, 2018).
He was a principal investigator in the SFI INSIGHT Centre ( and until recently co-chair of the EU Future and Emerging Technologies programme advisory group (FETAG) dealing with topic selection for very large scale FET-Flagship initiatives, and strategy related to the FETopen and FETproactive programmes. In June 2019, he was appointed member of the high-level European Innovation Council (EIC) Pilot Advisory Board, and chaired the Working Group on the Pathfinder Scheme. In 2022 he was appointed member of the EIC Ambassadors Group ( He is currently Emeritus Professor at DCU, Field Chief Editor for the journal “Frontiers in Sensors” ( and consulting projects manager with Siemens-Healthineers, Walpole, Massachusetts.
He has a Research Gate: RG Score of 47.22, and is ranked in the top 2.5% of all RG members. His h-Index is 80, based on over 24,000 citations (Google Scholar).
He has published 20 book chapters and 6 books, over 380 papers in international journals, and presented/published over 400 papers at international conferences, symposia and seminars, many as invited, keynote and plenary contributions. His research is focused on the fundamental science of stimuli responsive polymers, the development of futuristic autonomous chemical sensing platforms, and the use of analytical devices and sensors as information providers for wireless networked systems i.e. building a continuum between the digital and molecular worlds.
Additional information can be found at: