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School of Chemical Sciences


Primary Department
School of Chemical Sciences
Academic Staff - Analytical Chemistry
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

August 2005; Lecturer, School of Chemical Sciences, DCU. Feb. 2004 to July 2005; Postdoc. with Dr Andre Simpson, Dept. of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto. Set-up and method development of advanced analytical hyphenated methods: Liquid Chromatography (LC)- Mass Spectroscopy (MS)-Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). July 2002- Feb. 2004; Postdoctoral Researcher with Prof. William Kingery, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University. Catalytic activity of enzymes immobilised on organo-minerals. Characterisation of organic/inorganic component of deep-sea sediments associated with gas hydrates. Feb. 2001-July 2002; Project Manager for an EPA (Ireland) funded research project that resulted in a successful demonstration of the fluidised bed combustion of animal waste to produce heat and electricity. 1997-2001: PhD. Dr Tom O'Dwyer, development of sorbents for organic compounds, University of Limerick.
Group webpage: https://ogrelaboratory.wordpress.com/

Research interests

Carbon cycling in soils, sediments and water. Microbially facilitated carbon dioxide sequestration in soil. Fate of carbon in soil. Marine methane seepage. Soil remediation. Compost from waste. Paleoenvironmental. Astrochemistry.
The study of these subjects using spectrometric and stable isotope analysis in collaboration with colleagues in many areas of specialisation including microbiologists, mathematicians and physicists. 

Group webpage: https://www.dcu.ie/predict  https://ogrelaboratory.wordpress.com/