Graduate Students
Graduates of CARPE
Dr Deirdre Dennehy
Thesis title: Embedding the Assessment of Emotional Intelligence within Collaborative Problem-Solving Tasks: An Exploratory Study
Supervisors: Prof. Michael O'Leary, Dr. Zita Lysaght
Completed: December 2022
Dr Conor Scully
Thesis title: Inter-rater reliability and validity in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Supervisors: Prof. Michael O'Leary, Dr. Mary Kelly & Dr. Zita Lysaght
Completed: November 2022
Dr Paula Lehane
Thesis title: The impact of test items incorporating multimedia stimuli on the performance and attentional behaviours of test-takers
Supervisors: Prof. Michael O'Leary, Prof. Mark Brown & Dr. Darina Scully
Completed: October 2021
Dr Vasiliki Pitsia
Thesis title: Investigating High Achievement in Mathematics and Science in Ireland: An In-Depth Analysis of National and International Assessment Data
Supervisors: Prof. Michael O'Leary, Dr. Gerry Shiel & Dr. Zita Lysaght
Completed: December 2020
Dr Anastasios Karakolidis
Thesis title: Animated Videos in Assessment: A Comparison Study of Validity evidence from and Test-Takers' Reactions to an Animated and a Text-Based Version of a Situational Judgement Test
Supervisors: Prof. Michael O'Leary, Dr. Darina Scully
Completed: July 2019