Identify My Skills
Online Self-assessments
DCU Careers Service provides a range of online assessments (psychometric tests) called Team Focus, which measure the areas of aptitude and ability, personality, motivation and career interests. Research demonstrates that those with high self-knowledge and self-awareness are: more fulfilled, creative and competent, and are better communicators. They perform better at work and are more promotable and more effective leaders at profitable companies. Having a clear and accurate perception of who you are - including strengths, capabilities, character, feelings, and motivation - is a great foundation for development and can help you to explore career areas. Aptitude and ability tests are frequently used by employers as part of their assessment processes. Familiarity and practice in taking timed tests can help you perform with consistency when it counts. The tests listed below are available on the Team Focus platform.
Aptitude and Ability Tests: Prepare for tests used by employers to assess ability and aptitude. These tests include Numerical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Abstract Reasoning.
Learning Styles Assessment: Understand your learning style and how you can become a more effective learner.
Type Dynamics Indicator (Personality): Explore your personality preferences and how they affect how you see the world and the impact this has on the world and people around you.
Values Based Indicator of Motivation: Understand how to articulate the things that matter most to you. Explore your values and you can unlock the "what, where, when and why" of your actions.
Careers Interest Inventory: Understand more about your interests and the kinds of work that may be suitable for you.
Click here to access Team Focus
First time to access the assessments: Once you click the above link, create an account with your DCU email address. Once you have verified your account, you will be able to see the list of available assessments.
Already have an account: Sign in if you already have an account.