Employer Drop-in Rooms - Presentations

Here are the listings for Employers who will have presentations or specialists in their Drop-in Rooms, to give you more insight into the companies and the roles:

Auxilion Drop-in Room Schedule:

11.00 -11.30

Niall McCullagh: IT Resourcer and Clara Amarante: People & Talent Partner


11.30 - 12.00

Mark Charmant: Competency Lead and Clara Amarante: People & Talent Partner

12.00 - 12.30

Gareth Martin: Team Lead and Louise Doherty: HR Administrator  


12.30 - 13.30

Alan McDonald: Project Manager and Louise Doherty: HR Administrator  



Gerry Taylor: Service Development Manager and Clara Amarante: People & Talent Partner



Jamie Taylor: RMM Operations Supervisor & Louise Doherty: HR Administrator


Fieldfisher Drop in Room Schedule:

12:00 noon

Trainee Opportunities and Life as a Trainee

presented by 

Karen Dempsey, HR Manager and Current Trainee, Rosie Callan

There will be a short Q & A session at the end to give you the opportunity to ask any question you might have