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Pfizer Grange Castle & the Women in Engineering group invite you to attend our first Engineering Students Open Day. ​ This is an exciting opportunity for 3rd & final year female students to experience a day in the life of our engineering department and tour the multiple manufacturing areas.​

Women in Engineering at Pfizer

Off campus
Pfizer Grange Castle, Clondalkin, D22V8F8
Target Audience
As below
3rd & Final Year Female Students
Is registration required?
For more information contact

Pfizer Grange Castle & the Women in Engineering group invite you to attend our first Engineering Students Open Day. ​
This is an exciting opportunity for 3rd & final year female students to experience a day in the life of our engineering department and tour the multiple manufacturing areas.​


To register for this event, please visit https://forms.office.com/r/kJgc3E8R40