Contact us
Careers Service - Main Office
Room CG26, Henry Grattan Building, Glasnevin Campus,
Dublin City University,
Dublin 9
Phone: +353 1 700 5163
Email: careers@dcu.ie
Current Students:
From September 2022, the Careers Service moved to a ticketing system for student email.
To make it easy for you, we have a single point of contact through mycareer.dcu.ie. This careers platform gives you the ability to:
- Submit career related queries.
- Book a one-to-one careers appointment or a quick query appointment with a careers consultant.
- Sign up for alerts from the jobs board.
- Find out about and book career and employer events of interest.
You can submit your questions via mycareer.dcu.ie. This is a careers platform that gives you the ability to:
- Submit queries to the careers team.
- Register to set up an account with our jobs board and access it whenever you have relevant jobs to promote, with no cost involved.
- Book in for events.
Alternatively email us at careers@dcu.ie
Our team are looking forward to helping you with your query.
DCU's Careers Service aims to enable the University's students to make informed decisions with regards career and professional development, take steps to realise their goals and develop the capacity for future career management.
In order to facilitate this process, and to support the University in developing the employability of its students, employers, professional and recognised voluntary bodies can expect provision of the following:
- Opportunity to advertise graduate job vacancies, summer and graduate internships, and other appropriate opportunities free of charge through our MyCareer online platform
- Promotion of employer-hosted webinars/programmes/events, with associated free publicity, subject to the timely completion of a promotional form.
- Participation in profile-raising programmes of activities for students; including career fairs, Employer in Residence and skills sessions, as appropriate and subject to conditions.
- Attendance by careers service staff at open days organised for HE Careers Services.
Expectation and Entitlement
Employers and professional bodies are regarded by the Careers Service as key client groups and relationships are valued. You are welcome to make use of the services outlined above, but you are asked to bear in mind that students and recent graduates are responsible for their own job-seeking behaviour and priorities and will therefore make use of the information provided as they see fit. Information and associated guidance made available to them is intended to be of benefit to all concerned. It is not anticipated that the Careers Service will be involved in selection processes or have their impartiality compromised.
You are entitled to expect that the Careers service will be staffed by competent and appropriately qualified and experienced personnel who will help you in a courteous and professional manner and that the careers service activities will contribute to:
- The achievement of your recruitment and internship needs.
- Increased awareness amongst students and recent graduates of career development and job opportunities.
- Candidates who have had the opportunity to use the Careers Service to work through their career choice process and prepare themselves for their job-hunting.
- Ease of access to appropriate staff to discuss your recruitment, careers fair and/or other related requirements.
Contact: careers@dcu.ie