About our Students
We work with students at all levels in DCU, from first year to PhD. We bring employers and students together through our varied range of events; including Employers in Residence information stands, career fairs and skills sessions.
Our focus is particularly on final year and postgraduate students - Irish, EU and international - to increase their employability and help them become work - ready graduates.
Student profile: DCU has18,544 students (2021/2022 academic year total) ➤ 3,587 undergraduates ➤ 4,997 postgraduates ➤ 18% of students are international and from 122 different nationalities ➤ 20% of students are from non- traditional backgrounds (disability, access and mature)
'DCU is one of the world's leading Young Universities, with a mission to transform lives and societies. Through education, research and innovation, we are focused on delivering real impact, and addressing global challenges in collaboration with our partners and stakeholders.'
Daire Keogh, President.
DCU has five faculties:
DCU Business School, DCU Institute of Education, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Science and Health .
We also offer DCU Connected Online Education.
We are proud of our achievements as a university!
DCU has a great record of spearheading and creating new initiatives to increase the social mobility of our students. If you are keen to enhance the equality, diversity and inclusivity of your workforce then we can help you engage with our students to achieve positive results!
The Sunday Times Good University Guide awarded DCU the university of the year award 2021, recognising it as a champion of social mobility.
DCU is the world’s first designated Autism-Friendly University .
We pioneered the Age-Friendly University initiative and we were the first university in Ireland to achieve designation of University of Sanctuary.
We work with all undergraduate students, from first years looking to do a CV for part time work, through to PhD students planning their post doctoral research careers.
Students on our fulltime Masters degrees are a mix of those coming from an undergraduate degree to those with a few years' experience, including international experience; they can bring advanced skills, experience and diversity to any organisation.
Part-time postgraduate (Masters and PhDs) students are often working in addition to their studies and can offer a maturity and adaptability, along with experience and specialised skills. Some may be looking to advance their career, whilst others are seeking a career change.
In addition, PhD and research students can offer a wide and varied skillset and can hit the ground running on projects and research for your organisation.
The Careers Service collaborates with the Disability, Learning & Support Service (DLSS) and INTRA (internship programme) to host an annual employer information session e.g. Autism Awareness: let's educate together
If you would like to attend these events, please indicate your interest by emailing disability.service@dcu.ie
Check out these great tips on recruiting neurodiverse talent.
DCU's profile of students with a disability:
Nine hundred students with a disability are supported by DCU’s DLSS.
Disability means a condition that substantially affects your ability to carry out day to day activities. (DCU definition)
Students present with disabilities including the following:
- are blind or partially sighted
- are deaf or hard of hearing
- have specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia
- have ADHD
- are on the Autism Spectrum
- have physical/mobility disabilities, such as wheelchair users
- have speech and language difficulties
- have mental health difficulties
- have significant ongoing health issues, such as epilepsy, diabetes, Crohn's disease.
There is more information available on DLSS.
Please email careers@dcu.ie if you have any queries about hiring students/graduates with a disability.
DCU’s Access Programme offers a number of places, with support to target groups of students every year.
In 2021/2022 there were 1200 students on the programme and the majority were undergraduates.
A workplace programme is also offered.
If you'd like to find out more about the workplace programme, please contact accesstotheworkplace@dcu.ie
Why it makes sense to hire a Mature Student
- Our mature students can bring great diversity to your work place. They come from a variety of backgrounds with rich life experiences. Some are career changers with previous professional experience . Some are already graduates in other disciplines and all of them have a range of transferable skills developed over a number of years of work and life experience.
- They are highly motivated to succeed and have demonstrated this by successfully combining demanding study, home and work schedules in order to progress their careers.
- They will bring new ideas and new perspectives to your workplace.
Encourage mature students/graduates to apply to your organisation by using inclusive language in your job adverts e.g. 'we are seeking final year students /recent graduates from X and Y disciplines to apply, and we particularly welcome applications from mature candidates '.
Why it makes sense to hire an International Student
- We have a fantastic diverse mix of students at DCU where 18% of students are international and from 122 different nationalities.
- These students are usually motivated, adaptable and resilient, coping with being away from family, friends, a familiar culture and language.
- They can offer different perspectives in your organisation, coupled with their developed ability to fit in with team members and use their initiative.
- Many international postgraduate students (on masters and PhD programmes) have a number of years' experience working abroad and can hit the ground running as experienced hires.
The Third Level Graduate Programme/ Stamp 1G visa is important information for employers seeking to hire an international student.
Tip: in your job adverts, be clear about your ability to take graduates on a visa or simply request that graduates state their eligibility to work in Ireland and their current visa status if applicable.
Springboard+ is an upskilling initiative in higher education which offers funded courses at degree and postgraduate levels. It is open to any individual who wishes to retrain and upskill in an area where there is a skills gap.
All courses are designed either directly or in conjunction with industry, and each individual coming through will be a work-ready graduate.
Why it makes sense to hire a Springboard graduate:
- Our graduates offer a combination of professional experience and the latest expertise. Many of them are already graduates in other disciplines and all of them have skills and competencies developed over a number of years of work experience. They have already gained significant industry expertise.
- They are highly motivated to succeed and have demonstrated this by successfully combining demanding work and study schedules in order to progress their careers.
- They will bring new ideas and new perspectives to the workplace.
- It develops strong links with DCU.
Springboard+ students are also available for flexible microplacements. This can range from 1 day per week to a 6 week block and could be ideal for specific short-term projects.
For further details, contact careers@dcu.ie