DCU My Career Use of Data Statement: Students

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Use of Data Statement: Students

Using MyCareer: How your personal information will be used

MyCareer.dcu.ie is a service that enables students to sign up for a range of career development supports offered by the DCU Careers Service. The service allows you to:

  • book one-to-one appointments with a careers consultant;
  • reserve a place at a careers event, e.g. workshops; Careers Fairs, employer presentations;
  • browse the latest job, internships (non-INTRA) and scholarship and funding opportunities notified to the Service;
  • setup a personalised dashboard for receiving notifications and communications from the Service.

How is MyCareer managed?

Behind the service is TARGETConnect, an online system provided and hosted by Group GTI. The Careers Service within Student Support & Development in Dublin City University (DCU) uses the system to manage appointments, events, the administration of job vacancy and scholarship and funding submissions and employer-client relations. DCU is the data controller. The DCU Data Protection Officer is contactable at data.protection@dcu.ie.

Group GTI acts as the University’s data processor and only has access to the system to investigate support issues (a use of data statement from Group GTI is included at the end of this document). The University retains overall responsibility for all data within the student database, and Careers Service staff manage the system on a day-to-day basis by updating the appointments and events calendars, approving registration of organisations who wish to collaborate with us, approving registration of recent graduates who wish to access the system and managing the opportunities submitted to the Service.

The University’s contract with Group GTI explicitly defines the security levels that are in place to prevent unauthorised access; it also makes explicit mention that confidential information will not be made available to any third party, and that personal data is processed only within the terms of the contract agreed with the University. Data is processed to deliver a tailored careers service to users.

What personal information do students provide for MyCareer?

In order for MyCareer to work properly, some personal data needs to be input into the system. This is necessary because MyCareer is only accessible to DCU students and recent graduates, so the system needs to be able to recognise you as an authentic user. This automatically happens at the time of your registration for DCU and enables the system to recognise you as an authentic user.  Once you have been recognised as an authentic user, the system allows you to book careers appointments and sign up for events.

The transfer of a data file to Group GTI, UK, is done via a secure encrypted, daily feed from ITS, the University’s corporate student record system. The data includes details such as your student number, name, year of study and course as well as contact information such as your email and telephone number.

The transfer of your personal data in this secure manner allows you the appropriate level of access to MyCareer.

Accessing MyCareer

You can access the system using your DCU account login. Your personal preferences help you get the best out of the system, as you can choose the types of jobs and career areas that interest you and receive email alerts when new job vacancies, internships (non-INTRA), scholarships and funding are added which match your profile. MyCareer also enables you to sign up for updates from the Careers Service. You remain in full control of your information and can adjust your preferences as often as you like. You can also, if you prefer, completely opt out of receiving any updates from the Service.

Only Careers Service staff can view your profile and activities. The information you provide is retained confidentially within the Service for the duration of your studies plus three years.

Accessing your personal data

You can access your personal data and activity with the Careers Service or MyCareer by submitting a query via MyCareer or emailing careers@dcu.ie

How you can help us improve MyCareer

We canvas your opinions through on campus surveys which are optional. We use this anonymised information in reporting to Senior Management, and as part of our annual planning process to improve the services that we provide and to ensure that we conform to institutional and AGCAS (Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services) quality standards.

If at any stage you are not happy with the quality of our services please contact the Head of the Careers Service, Yvonne McLoughlin (careers@dcu.ie or telephone 01-7005163).

How is gradireland.com involved in MyCareer?

Although both Gradireland.com and TARGETConnect (branded as MyCareer at DCU) are provided by the same company (Group GTI) they are separate products. The only connection is that there is an option for you, if you wish, to register for gradireland.com when you set up your profile on the MyCareer system. Gradireland.com is a careers information provider that we recommend to students; should you choose to sign up you will receive regular careers information and advertiser updates from Group GTI and its associated businesses if you register for gradireland.com.

Remember, if you want to register for gradireland.com you have to opt in to do so, there is no obligation to register with the website - it’s entirely your choice.

The full Terms and Conditions for the gradireland.com service offered by GTI are available here.

What about opportunities advertised on MyCareer - are these vetted?

The Careers Service undertakes some basic checks to try to establish that organisations registering with us are legitimate and offering genuine opportunities for our students and graduates. At times, checks carried out include checking that organisations are registered on the Companies Registration Office (www.cro.ie) website, and stipulating that organisations placing opportunities with us must accept our advertising terms and conditions before publishing their opportunities.

Please note that essentially it is your responsibility to ensure that organisations with which you interact respect your personal information and rights to privacy. Please take the time to research the organisations and opportunities you see advertised on MyCareer before contacting them. It would be most irregular for a recruiter to request your bank details.

The Careers Service, DCU accepts no responsibility for the manner in which participating organisations will use your information, however if you feel that an organisation is not meeting its obligations as stated in our terms and conditions - either in the advertisement itself or in any dealings you have with them - please inform us as soon as possible by emailing careers@dcu.ie or contacting on 01-7005163.


Full Group GTI Data Statement

GTI provides TARGETConnect (branded MyCareer for DCU), an appointment, opportunity, employer, student, graduate and event management system for higher education institution careers services. It is a cloud hosted system provided for careers services. The Data are stored in a secure datacentre.


A copy of the DCU Data Privacy Policy can be accessed here

Any queries on this statement, please contact careers@dcu.ie


June 2020