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School of Biotechnology


Primary Department
School of Biotechnology
Senior Researcher / Associate Centre Director
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Finbarr O’Sullivan is Senior Post-Doctoral researcher and Associate Director in the National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology at Dublin City University.

He has research interests in corneal biology and in limbal stem cell culture techniques for corneal epithelial replacement. In conjunction with collaborators in The Royal Victoria Eye & Ear Hospital, Dublin and the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) he has developed the technique of using such cultures to treat corneal-limbal epithelial stem deficiency. This technique received regulatory approval in January 2016 and was used on June 2016 in the clinic for the first time.

He has also active research in the area of metallobiology in particular the uptake of micronutrients from various metal complexes. 

Research interests

Current research interests include:

Identifying and deciphering the interactions of limbal - corneal stem cells with the surrounding environment. 

Development of methods of culturing other cells of the cornea and their interactions with bio-materials.

Investigating the role of miRNA in Fuchs dystrophy.

The development of models to study cellular  interactions with metal complexes.