Zainab Boladale
Zainab Boladale: Let's Keep in Touch
BA in Journalism, 2017
RTE News2Day presenter
DCU graduate Zainab Boladale explains what DCU means to her and why she likes to keep in touch with the University. As an ambassador for our 2018 Let's Keep in Touch campaign, she is urging alumni to update their contact preferences to ensure they receive all the latest news and information on alumni opportunities from DCU. If you would like to keep in touch, click on the button below to update your contact details today.
What did your time in DCU mean to you?
My time in DCU can't be condensed into one word but it's definitely one I will never forget. Going to a Dublin college when you're coming from a small town in Clare can be daunting. I knew nobody going in, being the eldest in my family meant I had no one to tell me what to expect but I felt supported by the services the college offered and I think that's something that's very important for many students. DCU emphasises the importance of taking part in things outside your course and it was through clubs and socs that I made the most friends and memories. I gained a lot of social skills through the committees. I learnt a lot about the importance of teamwork when organising an event or a big project, which we did a lot of, and I thoroughly enjoyed.
By the end of my first year in DCU, I was writing with the college paper the College View, a group of friends and I were running a weekly radio programme that made us learn about each other even more, I was thinking about running for committee positions in two societies and I wanted to set up a new society. My confidence increased a lot. There were days where I would be in DCU at 9am and leave to get the last bus, I was never bored and that was probably why I loved it so much.
Why are you proud to be a DCU graduate?
I'm proud to be a DCU graduate because I know I made the most out of my time there and because for me it's about more than just the piece of paper that says my name on it. I feel as a graduate I left with more than a qualification, I left knowing I made friends, I helped make an impact and I learnt more than I could ever have from my surroundings. It's the sense of fulfilment, growth and achievement it gives me.
How have you stayed in touch with DCU since graduation?
I've been to a few large events organised by the societies I was part of, it's a way to see old faces. I meet up with some of the friends I've made there regularly and I occasionally read the features in the College View.
Why do you keep in touch with DCU?
Mainly because I'm curious about what's happening. I think I'll definitely always want to know what's happening there.