Alumni Spotlight - Our Global Community

Derrick Moloney
What is your favourite memory from DCU?
"As a Masters in Journalism student in 2008, I was awarded a scholarship by DCU's International Office to participate in a month-long summer programme at Wuhan University, in the Hubei Province, China. I attended a summer school entitled ‘Chinese Culture and Civilisation - the Rise of Central China’, where I studied Mandarin, Chinese history, Geography & Economics. The course included a number of enlightening field trips to places such as Wudang Mountain, the Three Gorges Dam and a Yangtze River. Best of all, I met my future wife who was also attending the same summer school - so indirectly, I have DCU to thank for bringing us together!"
What brought you to the country/city you live in now?
"I moved to Singapore to become a teacher in an international school there. Beforehand, I lived in Malaysia and Qatar."
What are you passionate about?
"Inquiry-based learning and education. Promoting international-mindedness and creating a better world as we are all global citizens."
What is your biggest achievement that you'd like to share with us?
"In 2013, I served as the Conference Co-Chair for the 9th International Qatar TESOL Conference and helped to spearhead Qatar TESOL’s vision of bringing quality professional development opportunities to the educators of Qatar and the region."

Derrick Moloney and his wife, Xin, on their wedding day in Singapore.

Hooi-Ling Lee
Hooi-Ling Lee
PhD, 2012
George Town, Malaysia
What is your favourite memory from DCU?
"Studying at DCU has been the most memorable moment in my life. That was my first time away from home for more than three years! I cherish the friendliness of DCU staff and friends, especially my Ph.D. supervisor, Dr. Tony Cafolla who made my transition very smooth.
Besides, I have a very fond memory of staying at the Campus Residences throughout my Ph.D. study. The en suite room was comfortable and complete with relevant facilities. The resident was near the public park, DCU gym, and more importantly, just within a walking distance to my laboratory! I had an extremely comfortable stay there and it helped to make my Ph.D. journey very pleasant."
What brought you to the city/country that you live in now?
"I am currently based in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang. I was born and bred in Penang. A true Penangite at heart! Prior to my Ph.D. study, I have bonded to USM from my previous Fellowship’s obligation. Hence, it was a natural move that I would return to Malaysia upon my Ph.D. graduation to serve my bond. I am now an Associate Professor at the School of Chemical Sciences, USM specializing in nanotechnology. I welcome any collaboration with my research team. 😊"
What are you passionate about?
"I am passionate about promoting STEM to younger generations and also, gender equality in the workplace. Lacking the interest to pursue STEM among students is alarming globally. As a scientist, I hope more students will take up science in their future careers. It is extremely important for science and nation advancement.
On a personal note, I do yoga for my well-being 😊 I have been a yoga practitioner since 2004."
What is your proudest moment/achievement that you would like to share with us?
"Graduating with a Ph.D. from DCU in 3.5 years is one of my best achievements. The study was supported by the Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI) and I will forever be grateful for this assistance. I still have very close contact with my Ph.D. supervisor and collaborator that was initiated during my Ph.D. study.
Since graduating, some of my proudest achievements include my peers and I founded the American Chemical Society (ACS) Malaysia Chapter in 2014; I was the first female Chair of the ACS Malaysia Chapter (2018-2020). I was also a recipient of the Endeavour Research Fellowship in 2018 by the Australian Government to have my sabbatical at The University of Sydney."

Hooi-Ling Lee on her graduation from DCU with her PhD supervisor, Dr Tony Cafolla.

Feena May
Feena May
Bachelor of Business Studies, 1991
What is your favourite memory from DCU?
"Zig and Zag in the TV room, DCU being small enough that you could find anyone between the cafeteria and the library, NIHE becoming DCU and the pride there was in that, the last day of exams when the world seemed fresh again, fresher’s week, the space to dream and create, catching up on lecture notes (and the reasons why catching up was needed in the first place), the feeling of being part of something that was new and being created, the possibilities, the fun, the lifelong friends."
What brought you to the country/city you live in now?
"I studied Business Studies and my first graduate job was with the International Committee of the Red Cross where I was posted to the Former Yugoslavia in 1992 just after the war had started. I arrived on mission and was given the role of Deputy Relief Coordinator for the operation. You might ask how did I land such a job without any work experience. I had paid my way through my last 2 years in college by working in a promotions company as a clown. Yes really! I had trained during my intra-placement period with the Moscow Circus school which is how I landed the job in the first place. Someone in the Irish Red Cross was looking for a clown to train volunteers who were working in children’s hospitals and I ended up giving the training based on my own experience with Clown’s International (a professional body, basically like the Chartered Accountants of Ireland but for clowns). That led the Irish Red Cross to propose my CV to ICRC and 2 weeks later I was landing in Zagreb. Best first job ever (I subsequently spent 29 years with ICRC but that’s another story)."
What are you passionate about?
"People, hope, inspiring possibilities, making a difference, learning, growing, leadership development, women in leadership, the ukulele (I’m learning), painting, wine, good food, great company. Even better when you create learning events with all these pieces combined – this is when you change the world."
What is your biggest achievement that you'd like to share with us?
"Can I pick 3?
Building ICRC’s Humanitarian Leadership and Management School which has changed people’s lives and the culture of the organisation. Now over 1,500 alumni on 5 continents, has won awards for leadership development and helped me frame what courageous organisational development is really all about.
Getting executive level leadership seminars onto undergraduate programmes and inspiring the new generation to learn all this stuff early on in their careers (I have 2 PhD’s in the topic and am passionate about how we enact good leadership).
Getting married 3 times between 2004 and 2018 – always to the same woman, as the laws have changed and evolved."

Feena May during one of her workshops.

Meiyi Yang
Meiyi Yang
Bachelor of Business Studies, 2013
MSc Digital Marketing, 2014
What is your favourite memory from DCU?
"I studied in Ireland for two years, and achieved a Bachelor degree of Business Studies and Master degree of Marketing in Dublin City University (DCU). I’m impressed by many practical modules which enhanced my various competencies. The experience of working for a project in (the) New Enterprise Development module is one of my favourite memories.
In this module, we were asked to develop a whole business plan, from new product design, feasibility analysis, to advertisement production and report out. It was a group project which lasted 4 months. I felt so unforgettable because we faced many difficulties. I also took the responsibilities of team leader that I needed to ensure key milestones could be met, and to keep good communications with lecturers or stakeholders. It was the first time for me to accomplish such a practical business plan. I learned the gap between theory and real business cases. After I went back to China, I worked in a marketing function. This experience was helpful for my work because I’ve learnt how to deal with a similar situation.
Besides that, I also experienced how to run an airline company. I could apply financial-related knowledge into it and how to help a SME to increase their revenue via Google Adwords. They were all amazing memories that I could remember until now."
Tell us about your China to DCU story!
"I began my college career at Capital University of Economics and Business(CUEB) in Beijing, China. I planned to study abroad after graduation so I started to prepare for a language exam during college. However, I hadn’t decided which country I would go to and which university I would apply for. I clearly remembered that one day I read the introduction about the “3+1+1”program between DCU and CUEB. I was attracted by this program and then I contacted Xiaoxia for more information. After that, I decided to apply for this program. Everything was going well. I successfully got the offer and visa. I began my studying life in DCU in September of 2012.
Despite a tough and unforgettable year, I achieved the 2.1 Honours Degree for undergraduate program. I was impressed by the environment and kind staff in DCU, so I decided to continue my postgraduate program in DCU as well.
Looking back to 9 years ago, if I had not noticed the program introduction, I might have gone to another university. Thanks to my decision and the two-year university experience in DCU, it made me grow up fast and was helpful for my future career and life."
What are you passionate about?
"I love sports and travel. Actually before I went to Ireland, I wasn’t passionate about sports. However, during the studying period, I lived on campus and it was convenient to go to the gym so I began to run. DCU also provided opportunities to join different sport clubs and I had chances to learn more about tennis, squash and hurling. These sports clubs gave me a great outlet for my academic and general stress. Having an outlet for stress is important to me, which is why I have maintained sports in my daily life - I insist on running every week and start to participate in marathons. So far, I’ve accomplished 3 full marathons as well as 8 half marathons.
In terms of travelling, that’s my favorite thing for a holiday. I’ve been to 40 countries which cover Europe, Africa, Asia as well as Oceania. I planned to explore North America in 2020 but the epidemic erupted. After the outbreak, I will continue my journey to discover more interesting destinations."
What is your biggest achievement that you'd like to share with us?
"I currently work as a territory sales manager in a rapidly-growing startup firm in the Healthcare AI sector. My biggest achievement came from my last firm, GE Healthcare.
I worked in GE Healthcare as a market intelligence analyst and sales specialist for 5 years. It was not always easy to turn from back office to front line, however, I succeeded after experiencing difficult times. I was rewarded as Top sales in 2019 and it was the second year I worked as a salesperson."

Meiyi Yang on the DCU Glasnevin Campus during her time as a student here.