DCU recognises eight former students with Alumni Awards
The DCU Alumni Awards honour alumni who, through their exceptional ability and leadership, have achieved excellence in their chosen fields of endeavour.
The 2023 Alumni Award recipients represent all five faculties of study at DCU (Business School, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Institute of Education, Faculty of Science and Health and Faculty of Engineering and Computing.
The achievements of these eight exceptional graduates were celebrated at a special ceremony in The Helix on DCU’s Glasnevin campus.
DCU President Prof Dáire Keogh said:
“I am delighted to present these awards to a special group of DCU alumni who have done exceptional things in diverse fields including Healthcare, Tech, Diversity, Housing, Business and Sport.”
Our alumni are changemakers who consistently deliver on our University’s mission to ‘transform lives and societies’. In celebrating these great individuals we celebrate the impact of DCU’s more than 100,000 alumni worldwide.”
Ross Munnelly, Director of Alumni Relations at DCU, said;
“Our alumni continue to represent the strong values and high expectations of the university. Each awardee through their own contribution helps to make the world and society a better place for us all. We have seen this through their achievements to date, they are proven leaders and who continue to inspire the next generation of graduates at DCU.”
A full list of 2023 DCU Alumni Awardees is below. More information on each recipient is available here.
Dr. John Gerard Cannon (BSc Applied Physics, 2010), President Irish Medical Organisation
Maria Kinsella (BSc in Accounting and Finance, 2012 - MSc in Accounting, 2013), Chartered Accountant - PwC
Lucy Nugent (BA Nursing Studies, 2003), CEO Tallaght University Hospital
Martina Quinn (BA Journalism, 2003), Founder and Managing Director, Alice
Kevin Shortall (BRel Sc Mater Dei 1996, MRel Sc 2001), Principal St. Aidan's Community School, Tallaght
Kevin Tuohy (BSc Computer Applications 1999), Director of Software Engineering & IT People & Finance Aer Lingus
Sorcha Edwards (BA Applied Languages 1998), General Secretary of Housing of Europe
Zia Karim (PhD Electronic Engineering, 1993), Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Yield Engineering Systems (YES) in Fremont, California