DCU Alumni Tony Flynn

DCU Connected just the ticket from Amtrak Director

BA in Humanities (Psychology Major) 2020
Senior Director, Continuous Improvement & Operations Research at Amtrak,
Washington D.C.

Washington D.C.- based, Tony Flynn reflects on his experience of returning to education with DCU Connected

Current role, career and career highlights My job is located in Amtrak’s operations department, focusing on continuous improvement; for example, developing a management methodology that has been very successful in tightening up processes and improving our on-time train percentage. With little academic history in my family I did not go to college and my career began with a clerical job in Aer Lingus, before I moved into a trainee programmer role in IT. As I had no formal qualifications I began a BSc in Computer Applications in DCU but left after two years to work for British Airways, programming airline reservation systems. I began work for Amtrak in 2001 as they used the type of technology in which I have expertise.

A career achievement for me was transitioning Amtrak from a traditional, paper ticketing process to a cutting edge e-ticketing system where we built an airline check-in system on a smartphone. At the time these were boundary technologies and the project transformed the ticketing experience.

In 2015, I attended a DCU Alumni network event, which got me thinking about academia again. Shortly after that, Amtrak had a fatal derailment. This incident affected me profoundly and got me thinking about safety, about how I could better perform my role to improve safety outcomes. That was when I explored the DCU website and found the DCU Connected Psychology Major programme.

What was it like to study online with DCU Connected? Firstly, I appreciated having the opportunity to study in a university for which I already had an affinity because I wanted that sense of connection. The flexibility to be able to manage my study time around work and family commitments was key. I found the experience really rewarding as the curriculum was laid out in a professional way and I was given the tools to study successfully. I also enjoyed having a connection with 30 or 40 other students and forming friendships.

What are the key skills you learned at DCU that have influenced your career? For me, those key skills are learning to navigate the academic literature, and understanding evidence-based research and evidence-based interventions. These skills have changed how I approach my work. I am more confident in my recommendations after completing literature reviews. The programme also strengthened my organisational skills as I needed to plan my priorities for working through the curriculum and completing assessments.

A lot of us may carry some shame around for not following the traditional path into higher education, but we need to value our experience; you will be able to get through it.

Words of wisdom For those considering studying online, it is a great opportunity. If it is your first time in higher education, know that people come to DCU Connected for different reasons, maybe they didn’t previously have the necessary guidance to access higher education, or they have life commitments that mean they need a flexible study option. A lot of us may carry some shame around for not following the traditional path into higher education, but we need to value our experience; you will be able to get through it. DCU Connected provides the tools you need to have a successful student experience. Also, you will meet new people, develop friendships, and get exposed to people that you would not otherwise, so embrace the opportunity to get to know your fellow students.