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DCU's most romantic faculty is.... DCUAlumni #DCU40 St Valentine’s Day competition reveals long lasting campus romance

DCU's most romantic faculty is.... DCUAlumni #DCU40 St Valentine’s Day competition reveals long lasting campus romance

Humanities is the most ‘romantic’ faculty in DCU, a DCU Alumni St Valentine’s Day competition has unveiled.

The faculty is the runaway winner in the love stakes following a special St Valentine’s Day call-out aimed at couples who met in Dublin City University.

The second most romantic faculty is Computing and Engineering, followed by the Faculty of Science & Health, DCU Business School, with the DCU Institute of Education bringing up the rear.

The DCU Alumni St Valentine’s Day competition – a light-hearted competition aimed at couples who first met in the university and part of DCU’s 40th anniversary – threw up some interesting results.

Some 38pc of those who entered completed courses in the DCU Faculty of Humanities. Couples from the School of Law and Government had the most love stories.

Next was the Faculty of Computing and Engineering, with 26pc of competition entrants studying here. Computer Applications fared well on the romance stakes in this faculty.

In third place was the Faculty of Science & Health with a respectable 15pc of entrants.

DCU Business School had 12pc, while the Institute of Education had 9pc.

The winners for this year’s special DCU40 Alumni St Valentine’s Competition will be treated to a special candlelit three course meal in DCU’s 1838 Restaurant in Albert College on Friday, St Valentine’s Day.

Mary Larkin, Alumni Relations Officer said: ‘We’ve been speaking to alumni in recent weeks in relation to DCU’s 40th anniversary this year. Anecdotally, we believed Engineering and Computing would be the most romantic, so we were surprised to see Humanities as the runaway winner!”

Among the couples who entered were Ranjani Nagarajan and Udgam Mehetre, both from India but who met while studying in DCU as international students. The couple hope to marry in three years’ time. 

“DCU was a miracle that brought two Indians, speaking two different languages, together. We're getting married in 2023. It's been four  magical years so far, and it is still hard to believe that the same guy I met at DCU back in 2015, is the same guy I come home to every day! Here's to a happy Valentine's for all the souls that experienced this magic at DCU!”

Aine Duffy and Conor Murphy met when Aine was studying Computer Science, and both were members of DCU’s ‘RedBrick’ society. Now together eight years, Aine and Conor are parents to beautiful baby girl Faye.

“Roses were red, Violets were blue, I found my Claire, Thanks to you, DCU!” is a romantic verse from Marketing, Innovation & Technology Alumnus David Barry. 

He met partner Claire Hannigan during Orientation Week back in 2011. They were friends while in DCU - but became a couple in their final year, after David finally worked up the courage to ask her out. 

“After countless chickening out asking her out, it took her to leave the country and move to Australia before I could pluck up the courage to ask her out,” he said. 

“Claire couldn’t make it to graduation as she had gone to Australia but we kept in touch - in fact, as soon as she landed back, we had organised our first date! The rest is history. We now live together for the past two years and have many fond memories of DCU. If it wasn’t for DCU, I wouldn’t have met my best friend.”

This week, ahead of St Valentine’s Day, we will be putting some of our favourite #LoveDCU stories out on the DCU Alumni social channels - so keep an eye!