Enda Kenny TD and Lindsay Peat among those who received DCU Alumni Awards
The annual DCU Alumni Awards took place Friday (14th June) at the Helix at DCU. The Alumni Awards for Outstanding Achievement were presented and the 2019 Alumni Wall Awardees were unveiled.
The awards honour alumni who, through their exceptional ability and leadership, have achieved excellence in their chosen fields of endeavour. Their accomplishments across many aspects of society are a source of great pride to DCU and an inspiration to present and future generations of DCU students.
This year’s outstanding achievement awards presented at the event were:
The former Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD who is the longest serving public representative in the current Dáil, served as Taoiseach for 6 years and successfully led the Fine Gael party to win its largest ever number of seats in the 31st Dáil.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Lorraine Twohill, Chief Marketing Officer at Google’s HQ in San Francisco is responsible for the global marketing of the brand and its product as well as overseeing the company’s social impact on education, economic opportunity and inclusion.
Societal Impact
Sr Orla Tracey for her pioneering work as Head Administrator at the Loreto Rumbek Mission, South Sudan focused on improving the lives of the most vulnerable – women and children.
Lindsay Peat for her unique sporting achievements as a member of the Irish Senior Women’s Rugby team, representing Ireland at underage soccer and basketball and winning an All-Ireland medal with the Dublin Senior Ladies' Football in 2010.
Innovation and Technology
Shay Walsh, Managing Director, BT Ireland for his role in making the company a market leader in serving the global communication needs of Irish based multinationals and major domestic organisations.
The President of DCU, Prof. Brian MacCraith, said, “DCU sets out to develop excellent graduates who can make a positive impact on the world and transform people’s lives in many different ways. Each year we are delighted to recognise successful alumni who have done just that. It is with great delight that we honour our alumni for their outstanding achievements, and we take pride in the role that DCU has played in their lives.”
Each of DCU’s five faculties also honoured two successful alumni for recognition, with an inaugural award honouring a DCU Connected graduate on the University’s Alumni Wall and awardees including Met Éireann Meteorologist Joanna Donnelly, from the Faculty of Science and Health, and CEO and Managing Partner at KPMG, Seamus Hand who studied at DCU Business School. Alumni Wall awardees have their photographs and biographies placed on a special wall in both of DCU’s libraries in order to inspire current students with excellent role models.
The full list of awardees
Alumni Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2019:
Enda Kenny TD - 13th Taoiseach of Ireland (2011 to 2017)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Lorraine Twohill - Chief Marketing Officer at Google
Societal Impact
Sr. Orla Treacy - Head of the Loreto Schools in Rumbek
Lindsay Peat - Irish Rugby International
Innovation and Technology
Shay Walsh - Managing Director at BT Ireland
Alumni Wall 2019
DCU Business School
Seamus Hand - CEO and Managing Partner at KPMG
Trayc Keevans - Global FDI Director at Morgan McKinley
DCU Institute of Education
Dr Siobhan O'Halloran - Chief Nurse at Department of Health
Pat O'Keeffe - Exceptional leadership in special education in Ireland for over 50 years
Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Damon Reid - Global Performance and Innovation Lead at Zoetis Inc.
Dr Sharon Kehoe - Program Director for R&D at ABK Biomedical Inc.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Emer O'Connell - Irish Ambassador to Poland
Cormac Ó hEadhra - Broadcaster at RTE
Faculty of Science and Health
Joanna Donnelly - Meteorologist at Met Éireann
Dr Fergus Byrne - Senior Principal Scientist with Boehringer Ingelheim
DCU Connected
John McDonough - Director of the National Archives of Ireland
Photo: (L-R) Shay Walsh, Enda Kenny TD, Lindsay Peat and Sr. Orla Treacy