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DCU Alumni
Graduation Celebration Event June 2022

Graduation Celebration Event June 2022

DCU graduation ceremonies are very special occasions for our graduands, their families and our DCU faculty colleagues. Unfortunately, COVID-19 public health restrictions meant that DCU has been unable to hold in person graduation ceremonies since the Autumn ceremonies of November 2019.

Planning is underway to host events to celebrate the achievements of our graduates of Spring and Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021. 

While many have since moved on to further studies, research or employment we want to offer the opportunity to celebrate these achievements at an in person event on campus in June 2022.  

We are planning a number of events at the Helix on DCU's Glasnevin campus confirmed to take place on June 8th, 9th and from June 13th to 15th.  

​The exact format of the events will be communicated when we have a clearer sense of the numbers planning to attend, but will certainly include the wearing of robes, photography, recognition of academic achievements, guest ticket allocation and the opportunity to celebrate in person​.  

While your graduation has been completed and academically recognised by the University this event will provide the opportunity to return to DCU to mark that achievement, to reconnect with your lecturers, mentors, class, research supervisor etc which was denied to you because of the pandemic.

All future communications on this event will be sent to your DCU email address and to your preferred email address entered on the event webform. If you wish to update your details please visit dcu.ie/keepintouch.

Dates for your diary 

  • Wednesday June 8th - Open Education, Faculty of Engineering and Computing and the School of Communications (HSS)
  • Thursday June 9th - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (excl. The School of Communications)
  • Monday June 13th - DCU Business School
  • Tuesday June 14th - Faculty of Science and Health
  • Wednesday June 15th - Institute of Education


The Helix on DCU's Glasnevin Campus


Do you plan to attend your celebration event?

Please complete the Graduation Celebration Event form here ​on whether you plan to attend or not. The form will ask you to provide details including: your full name, faculty, course, student ID number, DCU student email address

*To access the form you will be required to login with your DCU student email and password details to view the Graduation Celebration Event Attendance Form. If you require help with your DCU student email and password please email iss@dcu.ie 

Please save these dates in your diary and we will be in touch to to provide you with further details on the time of ceremonies, robing arrangements, photography, tickets for guests and the celebratory elements planned.

If you have any queries please email junecelebration@dcu.ie


Timeline for June 2022 Celebration Events

6th October - Email from DCU President

13th October - Email from the Alumni Office with additional event information and to understand your intention to attend or not attend

Please complete Graduation Event form here

20th November - Deadline for indicating your preference to attend or not attend in June (required for planning purposes)

December - DCU Alumni Call Campaign to graduates that have not submitted to event webform by 20th November

February - Confirmation of celebration day.

*Timeline updated February 28th 

March - Confirmation of celebration date and information relating to confirming your attendance and guests, booking robes and photography

May - Reminder email from Alumni Office

June - Download tickets

June - Celebrations