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DCU Alumni Reunion

Alumni Reunion Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering/Electronic Engineering Class of 2003 - 20th Anniversary Year

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Alumni Reunion - Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering/Electronic Engineering - Class of 2003 - 20th Anniversary Year

BEng in Medical Mechanical Engineering
BEng in Computer-Aided Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering 
BEng in Manufacturing Engineering & Business 
BEng in Mechatronic Engineering
BEng in Electronic Engineering
BEng in Telecommunications Engineering
BEng in Electronic Systems

Date: Saturday 23rd March 2024 

Venue: DCU Glasnevin Campus 

We are delighted to invite the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and School of Electronic Engineering Classes of 2003 back to DCU to celebrate your 20th anniversary year. This reunion is a particularly special one as it celebrates the first graduates from the BEng in Computer-Aided Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, BEng in Medical Mechanical Engineering Programmes and BEng in Manufacturing Engineering & Business programmes.

Staff in the school are looking forward to celebrating this event with you all, hearing about what you are all doing now and showing you the exciting changes and developments that have taken place in DCU over the past 20 years. 

This 20th Anniversary Reunion event will take place on the evening of 23rd of March 2024. Alumni are invited to meet on the Glasnevin Campus for a welcome reception in the Foyer of the Engineering Faculty. There will be buffet food provided while you catch up with friends.

The tickets for this non-profit event are on sale via the event link on the DCU Alumni website. 
We are looking forward to seeing you and your year group back on campus very soon, for what promises to be a wonderful evening!
Kind regards,
DCU Alumni Office - on behalf of Paul Young (Head of School) and Tanya Levingstone (Biomedical Engineering Programme Chair)

Programme of Event : Saturday 23rd March

5.00pm  Welcome Desk and Drinks Reception
5.15pm  Welcome Address
5.30pm  Faculty welcome and tour
6.15pm  Class Photograph (optional)
6.30pm  Food Buffet & Toast Drink, €42.50 per person

Keep in touch 

Update your contact details with the DCU Alumni Office 

Ticket Refund or Cancellation Notice

Please note reunion event tickets cannot be refunded or cancelled in any way after March unless cancellation of event.