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DCU Alumni Awardee 2023 Martina Quinn

Martina Quinn

DCU Alumni Awardee 2023 Martina Quinn


Martina is the Founder and Managing Director of Alice, an award-winning public relations agency.


On leaving university Martina first worked as a journalist before moving into the world of communications in 2004, After two in-house roles in the political and the not for profit sectors she joined DHR Communications, a communications consulting practice, working with cause related and public interest organisations and issues.


In 2015 Martina founded Alice PR which now works throughout the island of Ireland and beyond, from offices in Dublin and Belfast, with a team of over 20 people. Martina and her team have devised and managed successful campaigns with a broad range of organisations that want to bring about positive change in society.   


Alice also recently launched the Alice Academy for Activists, an initiative that brings together aspiring activists – of all ages – and equips them, free of charge, with the skills they need to progress their work. 


Martina serves as a Strategic Advisor for the WorkEqual campaign on workplace gender equality, and for Trans Equality Together, a coalition working to create an Ireland where trans and non-binary people are equal, safe and valued. 


In a voluntary capacity, Martina is the Chairperson of the Board of the Public Relations Consultants Association of Ireland, and a member of the Board of Management of ICCO, the International Communications Consultancy Organisation. 


She also sits on the Board of Women's Aid and previously chaired the Boards of the anti-racism charity Show Racism the Red Card and D8CEC, a community education centre in Dublin 8. 


BA Journalism, 2003