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DCU Alumni Awardee 2023 Kevin Tuohy

Kevin Tuohy

DCU Alumni Awardee 2023 Kevin Tuohy


Kevin Touhy is Director of Software Engineering, IT People & Finance at Aer Lingus.

On graduation in 1999 he built his career initially in New York, before returning to Ireland in 2002 to become technical lead at Cúram Software.  

Over the two decades since, and across a number of roles, Kevin has evolved a distinct style of leadership in the software engineering sector with a keen focus on delivering exceptional customer value. At that heart of his approach was an early understanding of the benefits of agile methodologies and cloud-based solutions.

Today, Kevin leads a team of over 300 professionals at Aer Lingus, an employer recognised for the quality of its onboarding and training programs and a best in class supportive culture in the engineering space.

Kevin is known as a champion for young talent leading an environment that encourages individual growth and team effectiveness for all. He introduced the Early Tech Career program to focus on skill development and learning, ensuring that team members feel valued and supported in their career advancement. 

He is particularly strong in his support of colleagues during challenging times, such as those impacted by the Ukraine crisis, showcasing the importance of empathy and understanding as a core skill of management. 

Away from the desk,  Kevin is actively involved in mentoring, including participation in the DCU mentor program. He is also passionate about community and about sport where he is actively involved on and off the court with the East Cavan Eagles basketball club in Virginia.

BSc Computer Applications, 1999