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DCU Age Friendly University




Introduction to TRACEUS

Traditions, Recipes and Cuisines of Europe using Smartphones (TRACEUS) is a 24-month long project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU.  It is comprised of 6 organisations who work with and for older people and migrants representing Ireland, Cyprus, France, Spain, Bulgaria, and Belgium.

The project aims to support our target group in maintaining identity in the face of fast-paced technological change and globalisation. Mobile learning can help in making lifelong learning a reality and support intergenerational communication. Our roots, through food traditions, should be conserved and safeguarded for future generations.

EU Horizon

EU Logo

Throughout the course of this project, 30 participants consisting of older people and migrants will be trained to become authors of digital content in which they share their knowledge, skills and experiences. 110 older adults will also be directly involved in project activities through testing and evaluating the developed materials. They will work as co-creators throughout the course of the project.

This innovative project uses food culture as the vehicle for mobile learning and social integration. By harnessing ICT, barriers to participation for vulnerable groups (such as older people and migrants) could be removed through mobile learning. The goal is to develop and curate a heritage database of recipes and traditions of Europe using mobile technology as a learning tool. This will result in conserving our roots through food traditions, and safeguarding them for future generations.

Each month, a bulletin will be released which will give updates on the project, spotlight project participants and will include local recipes.

The project will be headed by DCU.

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