2023 Transition Year Intergenerational Awards.

2023 Transition Year Intergenerational Awards Registration

DCU’s Age-Friendly network is proud to host the Intergenerational Awards to mark the EU Day of Intergenerational Solidarity and Cooperation between Generations celebrated on April 29th each year.


DCU invites you to submit a project demonstrating good intergenerational practice between your school and older people in your community.


Your project can be in the form of:

— Poster presentation

— Report with images

— Videos showing – IT, dancing, music, art, cooking, story-telling

— Photographs


Some examples of past projects include:

— Paired reading

— Sewing/cookery

— Computer skills

— Mentoring

— Singing


There will be two categories:

— Gold, Silver and Bronze awards presented for innovative and engaged projects

— A single award will also be presented to an individual student or student group who has developed an age-related product or service as part of their TY Business Project.