History students together

Visit to the Love of Lifelong Learning Random History Lecture

Today we had the chance to join the AFU participants in one of the "Love of Lifelong Learning Programme" - Random History Lectures.

Today’s lecture was given by Professor James Kelly and was about climate and society in eighteenth century Ireland.

It was also a great opportunity to talk with the participants and to hear their opinion about the Age-Friendly University and the history class. Here are two of their testimonials:

-       What do you think about the University opening more to older people and offering this kind of classes? Do you think it is a good initiative?

“Definitely. It’s a way of getting out of the house, a way of meeting new people. It’s just a lovely atmosphere and I think it’s nice to have all age groups mixed together”.

-       What do you find interesting about this course?

“The random nature of the lecture is interesting, it’s always different and we don’t have the pressure of exams”.

Many thanks to the history students and to Professor Kelly for their time.

It was a pleasure to see the AFU participants being invested in the lecture and interact with the professor.