Age Action Silver Surfer Awards

DCU is delighted to be supporting Age Action's 2015  Silver Surfer Awards in the Helix.

Nominations for the awards must be in by October 4th and winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony in late October.
The Silver Surfer Awards recognise the achievements of older people using technology and also the volunteers who teach these skills.

The awards attract hundreds of nominations each year.

 The five categories for Silver Surfer Awards 2015 are:

  • New to IT Award (A person over the age of 50 who is new to technology and has overcome the challenges to become an IT user)
  • Hobbies on the Net Award(An older person who uses the Internet to pursue their passion or hobby, or who uses IT for communication and social networking)
  • Golden IT Award (An individual over the age of 80 who uses technology to enhance their life)
  • Silver Surfer Award(An older person who embraces the Internet or technology with a sense of fun and adventure)
  • IT Tutor(s) of the Year Award (An individual or group who provides voluntary support to older learners)

You can make an nomination online here or you can download a nominiation form and send it in to Age Action Ireland.


More details can be found on the Age Action website  -