Enhancing quality of life of older adults
Universities collaborate to enhance the quality of life of older adults as Age Friendly Universities
Three universities from Ireland (Dublin City University) Scotland (Strathclyde University) and the USA (Arizona State University) have signed up to a series of objectives aimed at enhancing the quality of life of older adults, drawing on core higher education expertise through (a) education, (b) research, and (c) engagement.
Over 4-6 June 2014, a meeting of the three institutions was hosted by Strathclyde University, Scotland. The discussions benefited from lively engagement with learners from the 3LLL group, representing the interests of several thousand participants in Strathclyde’s Learning in Later Life Programme. The meeting reviewed progress which had been made and outlined an ambitious action plan for the next five years.
From Left to Right: Bjørn Peterson , Arizona State University; Dr Nelma Shearer, Arizona State University; Dr Richard Knopf, Arizona State University; Dr Rob Mark, University of Strathclyde; Professor Maria Slowey, Dublin City University; Bill Johnston, University of Strathclyde; Dr Teri Kennedy, Arizona State University; Craig Talmage, Arizona State University; Dr Trudy Corrigan, Dublin City University; Mikulas Pstross, Arizona State University
Significant opportunities for international collaboration and synergies were identified- including the development of international learning communities of older adults participating in programmes in the three universities and the hosting of the First International Conference on Age Friendly Higher Education in Dublin City University in 2015.