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DCU Age Friendly University
Addressing Ageism in the Workplace

Addressing Ageism in the Workplace

Glasnevin Campus
Solas Room, U Building
Target Audience
All Welcome
Is registration required?
Free of charge or ticket price
Free of Charge

The conference will be composed of a diversity of representatives from all age groups in industry, technology, and representatives from a diversity of workplaces, policy and academia.

This is part of a DCU research project called POWER AGEING, which is funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC) under the New Foundations programme 2022.

POWER AGEING builds on a DCU report (2020) on ageism and bullying, which discovered that informed strategies, policy and practice need to be developed to address ageism and bullying in workplaces (Corrigan and Morgan, 2020).

This project is a partnership approach between the Anti Bullying Centre (DCU) and the N.G.O. Age and Opportunity. It will provide strategies to promote economic, social, cultural, education and training benefits for older people in Ireland. This is in particular to address issues related to behaviours of both the mind and environment, which currently can impact younger and older workers either in a negative or positive way. The overall aim is to facilitate change to promote policy and practice, which supports positive ageing in our world today.