DCU Ability
Meet Our Team

DCU Ability team
Please click on the links below to meet our team!

Project Lead
Deirdre Corby
Hello! My name is Deirdre.
I am the Project Lead for DCU Ability.
I also work as an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing.
I manage the DCU Ability team and give advice about the project.
I am in charge of research for the project.
I like to meet learners and I teach Manual Handling on the course.

Project Lead
Ger Scanlon
Hello! My name is Ger.
I am a Project Lead for DCU Ability.
I also work as an Assistant Professor in Psychology and Education in the School of Human Development.
I have done lots of research and work with adults with disabilities who are moving from education and training into employment.
I have worked with an organisation called WALK to make reports about helping young people to make the transition to work.

Careers Advisor
Schira Reddy
Hello! My name is Schira.
I am a Careers Advisor.
I support people who want to work.
I talk to students about work they want to do.
I support students to get work experience in DCU.
I support students to find out about work near their home.

Mary Petrie
Hello! My name is Mary.
I am a tutor on the DCU Ability course.
I run sessions in the classroom and online for students who come on our course.
I support students to learn more about work.
I try to make all of our learning at DCU fun.

Senior Occupational Therapist
Iara Synnott