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DCU Ability
Logos for Dormant Accounts fund, Government of Ireland and Pobal
Welcome to our DCU Ability website
young person with a disability working in a cafe

The DCU Ability Project was approved by Government with support from the Dormant Accounts Fund from September 2021 to December 2022. Therefore the project will close in December 2022.

More information on the Dormant Accounts Fund and Measure to Support the Employment of People with Disabilities 

Who we are

DCU Ability supports young adults with intellectual disabilities.
We offer a range of practical and learner-centred interventions to enable our learners to move towards their work and education goals.
We work in partnership with organisations such as St Michael’s House and other service providers to harness our joint expertise, resources and facilities to address barriers to employment.

Our final 'Works for Me' course will end in December 2022. Please note there will be no courses running in 2023.

front entrance to DCU Glasnevin campus

DCU Glasnevin Campus entrance

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our DCU Ability website uses Photosymbols
DCU Ability is proud to be one of 27 Ability Programmes nationwide.
The 'Ability 27 Padlet' is a new digital mapping tool providing information and resources about these programmes. Use the link below to see the Padlet.

link to the Ability 27 Padlet