DCU Ability
How to Apply

Applying for a course
Please note:
We are currently accepting applications for our next 'Works for Me' part-time campus course which will run from September to December 2022
Please visit our course page here: 'Works for Me' course information.
DCU Ability works with learners with intellectual disabilities, who are interested in work.
If you would like to do our next DCU Ability 'Works for Me' course, please fill in the ‘I want to do the course’ form, and email it to ability@dcu.ie
You can find this form here:
'I want to do the course' form
Here is some more information about applying for our different courses:
Please fill in the ‘I want to do the course’ form and email this to ability@dcu.ie
The DCU Ability team will contact you to discuss your application.
There are no future dates planned for the 'Introduction to Work' course during 2022 at present.
Please email the DCU Ability team to be added to the course mailing list. We will let you know when there are new course dates.