DCU Ability
DCU Ability 'Next Steps' Toolkit and Support

Holly working on an activity with her dad
What is the 'Next Steps' toolkit?
The DCU Ability Next Steps Toolkit is a resource for families, support people and learners who have completed a DCU Ability programme.
The toolkit consists of a Support Person Guide and Learner Resource Pack.
The focus of the Toolkit is on finding opportunities which can increase the learner’s experience of work, enhance skills for work and move closer to paid employment if this is the learner’s goal.

Next Steps Toolkit resources
Who is the Toolkit for?
The toolkit is for anyone providing help and support in finding work opportunities.
It is aimed at those with little or no experience in supporting a job search, and provides activities and guidelines for working together with learners.

Applying for a job
How to use the Next Steps Toolkit:
The Next Steps Toolkit is designed to be used in a flexible manner. It is not intended that all the steps be followed in order, or even all of the steps completed.
Any of the steps and activities will help the learner to focus on opportunities locally and their readiness for each step will depend on their knowledge of work and experience to date.
Support, training and guidance is available from the DCU Ability Team in using the Toolkit

Thinking about Next Steps towards work
Most of the steps can and should be revisited from time to time to update information.
Steps can take days or weeks to complete depending on the learner and the time and support available.
The guide is intended to be used as a long-term plan rather than a course to be completed.