Water Institute

March on Technology Seminar

The annual Mestech March on Technology seminar took place earlier today, to a full house!
Hosted by DCU Water Institute, the Mestech March on Technology Seminar kicked off
with DCU Water Institute PI, Christine Loscher, giving a presentation on her current research
project on Marine mining in research of novel NSAIDs.
Our second speaker, David Prendergast from Intel spoke on “Smartcities and The Internet of Things”,
and gave a fascinating talk on current projects, and the First Three ILE Living Labs.
Our third speaker, Brian Stone, from DCU's School of Computing, spoke on “Assessing fish populations
and diversity using a Fish Aggregating Device with computerised analysis of underwater images and video”.
Our final speaker, Jimmy Murray from Sea Safari gave a talk on his experiences on the Dynamics of Dublin Bay,
which provided great insights of the Bay.