Christmas Jumper Day 2024 in aid of Down Syndrome Ireland
On Thursday 28th November, staff and students are invited to wear Christmas Jumpers (or their most festive clothing!) to help raise funds for Down Syndrome Ireland. We ask staff and students on Glasnevin and St. Patrick’s Campuses to donate whatever they can on the day to show their support. For cash donations there will be collection boxes at the U-Building (Glasnevin) and Java Student’s Hub (St. Patrick’s), and there will be QR codes available for cashless donations.
Down Syndrome Ireland is a charity whose purpose is to create the environment for people with Down syndrome to achieve their potential, with a particular focus on health, education, employment, and life in the community. They do this through providing services and opportunities across their 25 local branches including speech & language therapy, occupational therapy, mother & child groups, adult literacy programmes and employment opportunities.
Your donation will go a long way in supporting these valuable services, so make sure to wear your favourite Christmas Jumper and support a great cause! Follow this link to donate to Down Syndrome Ireland.