Academic Support

Your first year at university can be a journey into the unknown. You are in a new environment, studying a new discipline, making new friends and possibly living away from home for the first time.  Academically, however, there is a possibility that you may struggle with one or more of your subjects at some stage throughout the year. It is normal for this to happen and the best action you can take is to seek help. The first person you need to talk to is your lecturer or the Chairperson of your programme, who is based in your school. Remember to seek advice as early as possible to assist you with your studies. If you don’t know who your Chairperson is, please ask the School Secretary or Class Representative or drop into the Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre on the Glasnevin or St. Patrick’s Campus.

Glasnevin Campus

Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre, CG00, Ground Floor, Henry Grattan Building

T: +353 1 700 7165


St. Patrick’s Campus

Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre, C101, Block C

T:  +353 1 700 9018




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