Science and Health Course Explained
If you have a natural curiosity about how living things function, then biological sciences will appeal to you. You will learn about how life works, at the molecular level, the cellular level and at the level of the organism.
Biological Sciences General Entry will develop your scientific skills and get a strong grounding in biochemistry, genetics, cell biology and microbiology. This will give you the opportunity to determine which areas of biological sciences appeal most to you, before choosing your preferred degree option at the end of year one.
Upon successful completion of year one the degree choices are:
- Biotechnology, or
- Genetics & Cell Biology
- Bioprocessing (subject to accreditation)
BSc in Biotechnology
The BSc in Biotechnology is one of DCU’s longest running offerings in the DCU Faculty of Science and Health.
Defined as the controlled and deliberate manipulation of biological systems for the manufacture or processing of products, biotechnology is a dynamic and evolving area.
You may already know of our graduate, David Dowling, who is currently working in the US in the race to develop an effective vaccine for COVID-19. He is just one of many biotechnologists working to develop new and novel ways to diagnose and treat disease, reduce the rate of infection, create biofuels and bioplastics, increase crop yields and pest resistance, and remove toxic environmental contaminants.
At DCU you will study a wide range of scientific and engineering subjects and gain the necessary skills to succeed in the technology-driven biotech industry, working to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry, use less and cleaner energy, and have safer, cleaner and more efficient industrial manufacturing processes
This programme has something for everyone and will give you a great career foundation no matter which industry or sector you.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC181
BSc in Genetics and Cell Biology
The BSc in Genetics and Cell Biology is one of DCU’s most popular offerings here in the DCU Faculty of Science and Health.
This competitive and highly rewarding course provides you with the theoretical and practical resources for a career in the healthcare industry. You’ll enhance your biology expertise and learn the laboratory skills that are the foundation for major, modern scientific breakthroughs and in the process discover how to drive innovation and imagine new solutions to global problems.
The world is your oyster in terms of careers after completing the Genetics and Cell Biology degree, with graduates going on to work internationally or to build successful careers based in Ireland.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC168
Chemical Sciences General Entry
This programme introduces you to the fascinating world of chemical sciences, allowing you to experience a wide array of topics before specialising in either Analytical Science, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences or Chemistry with Artificial Intelligence (subject to accreditation) in your 2nd year.
BSc in Analytical Science
The BSc in Analytical Science which is one of DCU's longest running offerings is delivered by academics from the School of Chemical Sciences, one of Ireland's most progressive and highest achieving Schools with outstanding facilities.
We employ an interdisciplinary approach, educating you on both theoretical and practical aspects of chemical, biochemical and microbiological analysis and we will prepare you to use principles of several branches of chemistry and advanced equipment to measure and interpret matter.
Our INTRA work placement programme provides students with unrivalled industry experience and we have a close relationship with our industry partners, particularly as many of our graduates are now employed in the companies where they completed their INTRA placement. Our graduates are equipped with a broad and versatile range of skills and are highly sought after by employers globally.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC161
BSc in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
The , is one of our most popular offerings. The course is delivered by academics from the School of Chemical Sciences, one of Ireland's most progressive and highest achieving Schools with outstanding facilities.
Our approach is to cultivate your chemistry knowledge and skills through applied methods, and laboratory work plays a vital role in developing your understanding of research and industry.
Having recently won the Irish Laboratory Awards, ‘Education Laboratory of the Year’ title we are proud of our laboratory facilities and our innovative teaching methodologies, which together with our INTRA work placement programmes, provides students with unrivalled educational experience.
We maintain a close relationship with our industry partners, and many of our graduates are now employed in the companies where they completed their INTRA placement. This course will open doors for you to pursue careers in research, industry, education, medicine, pharma, consultancy and more, with graduates going on to work internationally or to build successful careers based in Ireland.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC162
Click here to watch our course video.
BSc in Environmental Science and Technology
The BSc in Environmental Science and Technology course is of particular relevance in today's world as we face many challenges as a result of not only climate change but also species extinction, pollution, waste management and recycling.
Environmental scientists are key to addressing these challenges by providing the technical solutions and advanced innovations through the application of chemistry, physics and biology.
In recent years the degree has been redesigned to not only explore the environment and how it is impacted by our activities, but also to focus more specifically on the technologies used for its analysis. As a student you will consider and probe the problems we face and investigate means for reducing our negative impact on the environment.
This course will prepare you for a career in many areas such as environmental research, environmental and water protection, waste management roles, environmental advocacy roles, the marine and agricultural industries and many others.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC166
Click here to watch our course video.
You can apply to all of our physics degree programmes via Physics General Entry (DC175). Our new entry route to an honours degree in Applied Physics, Physics with Astronomy, Physics with Biomedical Sciences or Physics with Data Analytics (subject to accreditation) gives you with the opportunity in Year 1 to gain a solid physics foundation and invaluable laboratory exposure, before choosing the degree specialism you want to pursue.
The potential career opportunities are immense and vary from Meteorology to Education, Astronomy to Healthcare and Data Science to Aeronautics.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC175
Click here to watch the course video.
BSc in Athletic Therapy and Training
The BSc in Athletic Therapy and Training, is one of DCU’s most popular offerings.
The course is delivered by academics from the School of Health and Human Performance, one of Ireland's most progressive and highest achieving Schools with outstanding facilities.
We all know physical activity is a necessary part of daily life, but this same activity can also lead to injury. An Athletic Therapist and Trainer focuses specifically on musculoskeletal injuries and their prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation.
The course provides you with intensive training in the development of consultation, interpersonal and clinical skills and extensive practical experience and there is also an opportunity in year three to complete a placement abroad. Our graduates thrive in their chosen careers, we keep in contact with our alumni and love hearing of their success.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC204
BSc in Sport Science and Health
The BSc in Sports Science and Health is an exciting and dynamic course delivered by academics from the School of Health and Human Performance, one of Ireland's most progressive and highest achieving Schools with outstanding facilities.
The degree will help you develop a detailed understanding of the scientific aspects of sport and physical activity and you’ll also be shown how these are investigated and applied. We are proud to say our course produces well-informed science graduates who think critically and creatively, can apply knowledge and are prepared for employment in a variety of sectors.
This versatile choice produces graduates who are capable of careers in a range of industries, including sports management, coaching, education, performance enhancement and health promotion.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC202
BSc in Physical Education and Biology / BSc in Physical Education and Mathematics
The BSc in Physical Education course is delivered through a mix of applied physical education classes, laboratories, lectures, tutorials and seminars and small classes allow for individual attention from attentive, approachable staff. This gives you the opportunity to work closely with some of Ireland’s most prominent experts in the area of PE.
To put everything that you learn into practice and provide you with experience, you’ll be placed in schools during Years Two, Three and Four.
Graduates are qualified and fully prepared to teach general science to Junior Certificate level, and EITHER PE and Biology to Leaving Certificate level OR PE and Mathematics to Leaving Certificate level (depnding on the course taken), and a number go on to careers in coaching, sports development or further education. Opportunities for those with a teaching qualification are global.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC205 (PE and Biology) OR www.dcu.ie/DC206 (PE and Maths)
Click here to watch the course video.
BSc in Science Education
Mathematics and science play essential roles in our everyday lives, and we are proud to say our graduate teachers work every day to secure Ireland’s future by educating young citizens to be informed decision makers and scientists that are innovative and creative.
The BSc in Science Education course is unique in providing students with the opportunity to participate in a STEM Teacher Internship Programme, a paid industry placement, which aims to prepare young teachers to educate their future students about career paths in STEM.
On successful completion of the course, graduates can directly register with the Teaching Council as qualified to teach two subjects from Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, to Leaving Certificate Level. Job opportunities are global (in case you hadn’t heard, DCU is 19th in the world for our rate of graduate employment in the latest QS Employability report!).
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC203
BSc in Psychology
The BSc in Psychology is consistently one of DCU’s most popular courses.
The course, running since 2010, is delivered by the staff of our new School of Psychology. Our School is student-centred, research-intensive, globally engaged, collaborative and inclusive and we offer an innovative and exciting environment in which to pursue your studies.
What sets us apart is that we take the time to work with each of our students to ensure that they receive maximum benefit from the facilities in the School and our aim is to enrich each student’s education through real-world experience.
We pride ourselves on equipping our students with the skills and competencies to have a successful career in psychology and related areas and our graduates are in high demand.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC208
BSc in Nursing
At this time more than ever we realise the critical importance of our Nurses and Healthcare Professionals.
Our ethos is to empower and prepare you to take your place at the heart of tackling 21st century health challenges. Our courses, delivered in partnership with our partner services, are recognised for their rigour, standards of excellence and dedication to high-quality patient care.
With a shortage of nurses in Ireland, and in many other countries, our degree offers you fantastic employment options, both in public and private healthcare.
You can choose from one of the following degree courses:
● BSc in General Nursing
● BSc in Children’s and General Nursing
● BSc in Mental Health Nursing
● BSc in Intellectual Disability Nursing
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC215 (General) OR www.dcu.ie/DC216 (Mental Health) OR www.dcu.ie/DC217 (Intellectual Disability) OR www.dcu.ie/DC218 (Children's and General Nursing)
BSc in Health and Society
The BSc in Health and Society is a three-year degree programme designed to help you understand health in biological, social, political, ethical and psychological contexts. You will learn about health research, engage in health action projects or campaigns, research experiences in illness and disability, and examine health-related issues like drugs in society, nutrition, body image, and trauma and abuse.
Our graduates have followed a wide and varied career path, pursuing fulfilling careers in the health-related professions, working in community development and the voluntary sector. The degree also provides a good entry route to postgraduate study if you hope to pursue a career in an area like speech therapy, occupational therapy, or medicine and health promotion.
With the global demand for health studies graduates the world is your oyster!
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC209
Common Entry into Actuarial, Financial and Mathematical Science
The Common Entry into Actuarial, Financial & Mathematical Science, is DCU’s two-year, non-denominated entry route to the BSc in Financial Mathematics or BSc in Actuarial Mathematics.
If you have an interest in and aptitude for high-level maths but want time to decide your exact academic concentration, Common Entry offers entry into either Actuarial Mathematics or Financial Mathematics.
The Common Entry structure allows you to make an informed decision about which stream to specialise in after first studying fundamental courses such as analysis, algebra and probability, together with computing and statistics. In the third and fourth year, our Mathematics programmes concentrate on the modelling, estimation, and management of financial risk, providing us with the mathematical tools to make smart decisions, even in extreme circumstances.
Many types of work use the ability to think logically and quantitatively, or use what employers describe as 'numeracy', and our graduates are in demand globally.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC127
BSc in Actuarial Mathematics
The BSc in Actuarial Mathematics course allows you to pursue a career as an actuary or, more generally, a career in finance. We specialise in the application of mathematics to finance and students are exposed to cutting edge research in actuarial science and financial mathematics.
DCU is one of a small group of Universities in the UK and Ireland that offer the opportunity to gain exemptions from the Core Principles examinations of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK. As a student you will have the opportunity to complete the initial examinations required in order to qualify as an actuary in Ireland and the UK.
As financial markets become increasingly complex there is a growing need for professionals who combine both mathematical and financial expertise. Graduates are in high demand by both the actuarial and financial industry in Ireland and internationally.
For further information and course entry requirements, go to: www.dcu.ie/DC126