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Student Recruitment Office

Parent/Guardian Information Session

This session will also take place on Friday 20th November 4.45-5.30pm.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Information Session for Parents/Guardians

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Dr Claire Bohan, Director of Student Support and Development


We understand that a when a student starts university with us, it’s not just a transition for the student but also for a parent – and particularly so when you add the implications of COVID-19 into the mix. This session offers advice and support on topics of concern, as well as an overview of the tools available to help prepare students for university life.

Director of Student Support and Development, Dr Claire Bohan, offers advice and support on topics such as:

  • How will parents support their son/ daughter’s transition to third-level education.
  • Costs involved in attending college and the supports available to students especially in current situation.
  • What should parents/guardians look out for and how to tackle any issues that may arise.


If you have questions you would like to ask Claire, please email and put "Questions for Claire Bohan – Information Session for Parents/Guardians" in your subject line by Wednesday, 18th November at 5pm.