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Science and Health Schedule

Saturday 21st November


Overview of Schedule


Saturday 21st November 2020




Why Study at DCU’s Faculty of Science and Health

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Physical Sciences at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Chemical Sciences at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Biological Sciences at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Nursing at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Health and Society at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Psychology at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Science Education at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Mathematical Sciences at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Health and Human Performance at DCU

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


Online Q&A for Faculty of Science and Health Courses

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Breakdown of Schedule


Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Why Study at DCU’s Faculty of Science and Health


Associate Professor Blanaid White, Associate Dean of Teaching & Learning


Join Blanaid to learn more about the excellent experience that awaits you at DCU and why you should put a DCU Faculty of Science and Health course on your CAO.

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Physical Sciences at DCU


Dr Paul van Kampen


Paul will provide you with an overview of the following Physical Sciences courses at DCU:

Physical Sciences General Entry: Your chance to explore Physics in Year 1 before choosing one of Physics with Astronomy, Applied Physics or Physics with Biomedical Sciences for Years 2-4.

BSc in Physics with Astronomy: This course will appeal to everyone with an interest in physics, astronomy, astrophysics, space science and technology.

BSc in Applied Physics: Applied Physics emphasises the real-world applications of the subject as well as providing a foundation in the basics of physics.

BSc in Physics with Biomedical Sciences: Focusing on a career in physics and technology related to medical research, clinical services or biomedical industries.

BSc in Physics and Data Analytics (subject to accreditation): This ground-breaking course combines the skills and knowledge of a Physics degree with the advanced data analytics tools you need to solve real-world problems in new and exciting ways.

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Chemical Sciences at DCU


Dr Pat O'Malley


Chemical Sciences General Entry: Your chance to explore Chemistry in Year 1 before choosing either Analytical Science, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences or Chemistry with Artificial Intelligence (subject to accreditation) for Years 2-4. Learn how medicines work, what causes climate change, how to drive reactions to go faster, how to determine the source of a water pollution event, and so much more.

BSc in Analytical Sciences: The science of detection and measurement. We see, use and benefit from it every day – from tests performed to check the purity of medicines, to the daily monitoring of industrial wastes, to analysis in the forensic laboratory.

BSc in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Chemistry has a wide range of industrial applications that affect our daily lives. Chemists design and develop new drugs, pharmaceuticals and materials, and devise cleaner, more efficient industrial processes to produce them.

BSc in Chemistry with Artificial Intelligence (subject to accreditation): In this ground-breaking course, one of the first of its kind, students will learn the skills needed from both a chemistry and a computing perspective, to allow them to harness the enormous potential of applying AI to chemistry.

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Biological Sciences at DCU


Dr Tim Downing


Tim will provide you with an overview of the following Biological Sciences courses at DCU:

Biological Sciences General Entry: Your chance to explore biology in Year 1 before choosing either Biotechnology, Genetics and Cell Biology or Bioprocessing (subject to accreditation) degrees for Years 2-4.

BSc in Biotechnology: This course is the longest established biotechnology course in Ireland. By studying the components of living cells, we can learn how to control, fix and modify them to our benefit, leading to the creation and manufacture of products that help in the diagnosis and treatment of disease e.g. antibiotics, insulin and other genetically engineered medicines, such as safer vaccines). 

BSc in Genetics and Cell Biology: Our knowledge of genetics, can help us better understand what controls and contributes to our development and individuality. We can apply findings in cell biology to understand and explore new approaches for the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of disease with the aim of developing and producing medical devices, therapies and drugs.

BSc in Environmental Science and Technology: If you are interested in our environment, and are looking for a career exploring and understanding the impact of changes to it, this course can provide you with the skills and experience you need.

BSc in Bioprocessing (subject to accreditation): develop your knowledge and appreciation of the conceptual and factual bases for bioprocess design and operation.

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Nursing at DCU


Dr Deirdre Corby 


Deirdre will provide you with an overview of the following Nursing courses at DCU:

  • BSc in Nursing (General)
  • BSc in Nursing (Children’s and General)
  • BSc in Nursing (Intellectual Disability)
  • BSc in Nursing (Mental Health)

If you are a caring individual who enjoys helping and supporting people and feel you can contribute to the wellbeing of others with intelligence, compassion and enthusiasm, then you will do well in Nursing.

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Health and Society at DCU


Professor Anne Matthews


With this course you have the chance to explore health issues from many different perspectives. You will learn about health research, engage in health action projects or campaigns, research experiences in illness and disability, and examine health-related issues like drugs in society, nutrition, body image, and trauma and abuse. The course also provides a good entry route to postgraduate study if you hope to pursue a career in an area like speech therapy, occupational therapy, or medicine and health promotion.

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can also ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Psychology at DCU


Dr Louise Hopper & Dr Stella Vlachou


This talk will provide an overview of the BSc in Psychology (established since 2010) as well as two new courses for entry 2021 and the first of their kind in Ireland: BSc in Psychology and Mathematics and BSc in Psychology and Disruptive Technologies.

What sets us apart is that we take the time to work with each of our students to ensure that they receive maximum benefit from the facilities in the School and our aim is to enrich each student’s education through real-world experience. 

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Science Education at DCU


Assistant Professor Sinéad Breen


Mathematics and science play essential roles in our everyday lives, and we are proud to say our graduate teachers work every day to secure Ireland’s future by educating young citizens to be informed decision makers and scientists that are innovative and creative.

The course is unique in providing students with the opportunity to participate in a STEM Teacher Internship Programme, a paid industry placement, which aims to prepare young teachers to educate their future students about career paths in STEM.

On successful completion of the programme, graduates can directly register with the Teaching Council as qualified to teach two subjects from Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry, to Leaving Certificate Level. 

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can also ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Mathematical Sciences at DCU


Professor John Appleby


You will be provided with an overview of the following Mathematical Sciences courses at DCU:

Common Entry into Financial and Actuarial Mathematics: This is the Common Entry route to two BSc courses in the areas of actuarial and financial mathematics. The advantage of Common Entry into two courses is that after two years of study, you will be better placed to know which of the options you will most enjoy.

BSc in Actuarial Mathematics: This course prepares you to pursue a career as an actuary or, more generally, for a career in finance. Actuaries are involved in quantifying and managing risk and work in areas as diverse as banking, insurance and healthcare.

This talk will provide an overview of the BSc in Psychology and Mathematics - a new course for entry 2021 and the first of its kind in Ireland

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can also ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.



Saturday 21st November



Title of Lecture

Health and Human Performance at DCU


Dr Fearghal Behan


Fearghal will provide you with an overview of the following Health and Human Performance courses at DCU:

BSc in Sport Science and Health: This course will enable you to apply science to enhance sports performance and physical activity. It will suit you if you have an aptitude for science and an enthusiasm for sport, exercise and physical activity. You will study material from nutrition and genetics to psychology, anatomy and sociology of sport as well as fitness assessment, coaching studies and health promotion.

BSc in Athletic Therapy and Training: We all know physical activity is a necessary part of daily life, but this same activity can also lead to injury. An Athletic Therapist and Trainer focuses specifically on musculoskeletal injuries and their prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation.

BSc in Physical Education with Biology: Graduates are qualified and fully prepared to teach general science to Junior Certificate level, and PE and Biology to Leaving Certificate level, and a number go on to careers in coaching, sports development or further education. 

BSc in Physical Education with Maths: Graduates are qualified and fully prepared to teach general science to Junior Certificate level, and PE and Mathematics to Leaving Certificate level, and a number go on to careers in coaching, sports development or further education. 

Click HERE to view the recording from the DCU Virtual Open Day.


You can ask your questions on our online Q&A between 1-4pm on Saturday 21st November. You can join the Q&A by clicking into this link.