Year 1 Strategic Achievement
The first year of the DCU Strategy saw significant progress being made in achieving our objectives across all pillars and priorities. 97% of our Year 1 priorities are either completed or significantly in progress. By closely aligning with Component Strategies across the University, we delivered KPIs, including Year 3 of DCU Futures, meeting research output and impact targets, maintaining strong student numbers, and opening the new STEM teaching building, Polaris - among many other achievements.
Having a fully online strategy and setting our KPIs annually has been a huge asset in allowing the agility to adapt this on a continuous basis. We must continually address emerging priorities, challenges and opportunities - from the rapid expansion of Artificial Intelligence, to changing national and international conditions, economic shifts and sustainability goals. As well as our progress against our Year 1 priorities, our Year 2 targets take all of these conditions into account.