DCU Strategy 2023 - 2028 launched
The 'DCU Strategy 2023-2028: Transformation for an Unscripted Future' was officially launched at an event for staff in The Helix on Thursday, October 5th, 2023.
Speaking at the event, DCU President Professor Dáire Keogh said:
“Guided by our new strategy, the University will focus on its proven areas of excellence to ensure that we can create real impact, and deliver the best possible outcomes for our students, staff and stakeholders.
“This plan reflects the determination of the DCU community. It is a renewal of our purpose; it is a statement of who we are and where we want to be."
DCU Deputy President Professor Anne Sinnott said:
“For the first time, DCU has created an entirely digital strategy. As well as being more sustainable, the online format has allowed us to create a living document that will evolve as the University develops over the next five years.”
The input of staff right across the University has been crucial in the strategy’s development and I want to thank colleagues for their engagement. Their continued support will be critically important as we work towards achieving our strategic goals.”
Read the full report on the launch event here
Below are some videos which were screened at the launch, including a video highlighting activities in the DCU Community, a user guide for our new strategy website, and a video featuring all strategy pillar owners giving an over of the 'DCU Strategy 2023 - 2028: Transformation for an Unscripted Future'.