FSH - School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health header
School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health

Transcript of Training | Registering to Work Abroad

Please fill out the form below to request a transcript of training, including details of the clinical hours completed, for the nursing programme you attended. If you require a transcript of your academic record you MUST email registry@dcu.ie to request this separately.

Once you submit this form we will process the application as soon as possible. If you require further information contact: science@dcu.ie

Title of nursing award that you undertook (which stream)
Which was your main hospital placement when you undertook your degree?
Name of the nursing organisation requesting the transcript

Upload any application forms that need to be completed by DCU (if one was sent to you by the international nursing organisation)

Upload requirements

Please tick agree to confirm your consent to share your transcript of training, academic transcript and other programme relevant university information, with the international nursing body at your request.  Information on this application will only be shared with the co-ordinator of this module and faculty administrators for the purpose of this application only.

For details of your rights as the provider of personal data please consult the University's Data Privacy Policy

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