Summary for NUR1186 and NUR1105
This is a 10 ECTS credit blended learning microcredential offered at level 8 (NUR1105 Undergraduate degree level) or level 9 (NUR1186 Master’s degree level). It runs over twelve weeks in a blended learning format with scheduled contact hours (2 days in DCU and one hour a week on zoom). Please note 100% attendance is required on the contact days. If applicants cannot commit to all the face-to-face sessions, then please do not apply.
The module is assessed by completion of a 3,000 word change management assignment.
This requires students to make a focused change in their place of work and then report on this change process in their assignment. The assignment makes up 80 % of the student’s mark. 20% of the marks are from a reflective portfolio. All students will present their change project to the rest of the class and this will take place on the last zoom session.
The module takes a person-centred approach and covers a number of core themes in dementia care from the assessment of memory problems and early interventions, care in the community and palliative approaches to dementia. The module focuses on skill development in several key therapeutic approaches and assessment strategies.
The module is appropriate to anyone with some recent dementia educational experience (for example the National ONMSD Dementia two-day Awareness programme Enhancing & Enabling Well-being for the Person with Dementia) or any other relevant module of study. Students will be expected to have good computer skills and be proficient at Microsoft Word and PowerPoint software as well as the use of zoom, email and social media.
Students will also be expected to access online learning system (‘Loop’) used by DCU to complete the 75% learning component of the module – some training is provided but basic skills are assumed. The use of Loop will include accessing variety of resources online as well as participation in online forums. There will be two days of face-to-face workshops and 10 Zoom one-hour sessions.
The module is open to all Health and Social Care providers who are enthusiastic about improving their own skills in dementia care and the life of the people they work with. Applications from Health Care Assistants will be considered where there is an exceptional track record and a previous level 8 qualification. Students must be working in regular contact with people with dementia for the whole period of the module.
Students must have support from their manager for completing the module and applicants should obtain approval for leave before applying for the module. Students must be willing to take on the role of dementia champions within their own organisations subsequent to successful completion of the module.
Course learning outcomes:
On successful completions of this module, the student will be able to:
- Evaluate a number of theoretical approaches to dementia and their implications on practice.
- Evaluate the role of Irish agencies in the provision of dementia services to individuals/families/carers.
- Complete a comprehensive assessment of an individual with dementia.
- Examine the relationship of people with dementia to their family and health and social care professionals.
- Evaluate psycho-social interventions that promote well-being in people with dementia and their carers across the spectrum of dementia form mild to advanced stages.
- Analyse the student’s role in promoting a sense of personhood in people with dementia.
Course schedule:
The modules will be delivered part time across one semester in Dublin City University in Academic year 2024/2025, Semester One (September 2024). Contact hours: two full days and ten one hour zoom workshops.
Entry requirements:
Cost of module:
The cost is €1,250. Applicants must have the support of their manager and obtain funding approval (if required) before applying for the module.
The University does not refund application or registration fees for professional development courses, however, students can defer their registration to the next available sitting, except in the case of micro-credential courses where there is no availability for a deferred entry.
Deadline for applications
This module is now over subscribed for entry in September 2024.
Further information can be obtained from:
Prof Kate Irving
Email: kate.irving@dcu.ie
Phone: 01-7007985