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School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health
Research Newsletter July 2022

Research Newsletter - 2023

DCU School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health

Research Newsletter 2023


Homecare: Inclusive & Diverse (HID) - Person-Centred Homecare Services for Older Members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Intersex (LGBTI) Community 

Research Team: Dr Mel Duffy (PI), Prof Anthony Staines (co-PI), Prof Anne Matthews, Dr Giovanni Frazzetto (post-doc), PPI members – James Geogheghan, Collette Gleeson, Claire Mooney, James O’Hagan, and Sean Vail 

This IRC COALESCE funded research is an interdisciplinary project that examines the lived experience of older community dwelling LGBTI people receiving homecare in Ireland, from lay and professional perspectives. With PPI membership drawn directly from the LGBTI community, it fulfils its principle of ‘nothing about us, without us’. The threefold aim of this project is to examine: i) the homecare experience of older LGBTI people dwelling in the community; ii) uncover homecare professionals’ knowledge of and attitudes towards LGBTI people; and iii) develop an educational resource that will lead to improved practice and quality of homecare services received by older LGBTI people.

A preliminary analysis of the interview data reveals that the lived experience of older members of the LGBTI community of homecare in Ireland reflects similar realities described in the wider international literature, whereby lack of trust, respect and understanding, as well as uncomfortableness in the presence of and preconceived notions about LGBTI people, flourish in this sector. The survey has just been completed. The combination of the findings from the first two components of the project will be used to design an educational resource.

CHRISALIS (Cultural, Heritage and Religious Impact on Social Acceptance and Lives of the InterSex)

Research Team: Dr Mel Duffy, Dr Martha Prandelli, Dr Tanya Ni Mhuirthile, Prof Peter Hegarty Intersex organisations in Ireland (Intersex Ireland), Italy (IntersexEsiste) and Europe (OII Europe)

CHRISALIS is an interdisciplinary project in social psychology, sociology and law, exploring the roles of ethical-moral beliefs and culture in shaping intersex experiences, bodies and healthcare in Ireland and Italy. The aim of the project is to lay the foundation for national and European intersex policies. The project commenced in September 2023. The Advisory Board met for the first time in December to discuss the project impact and its possible strategic outcomes. CHRISALIS is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe grant no. 101067189 (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-PF-01).


Research Team: Dr Amanda Drury, PI (DCU) and Prof Theresa Wiseman PI (Royal Marsden, UK), Ms Celia Diez de Los Rios (EONS), Dr Gulcan Bagcivan (Koc University, Turkey), Dr Grigorios Kotronoulas (University of Glasgow, UK), Dr Maura Dowling (National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland), Dr Amanda Shewbridge (Guys Cancer Academy, UK), Sema Erdem (Europa Donna, Turkey) and Violet Aroyo (Europa Donna, Turkey).

This European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) education research programme was led by Dr Amanda Drury.  A systematic review was completed and published by the research team to confirm the need for a new, bespoke educational programme for nurses in Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) (Drury et al 2022). Subsequently a Delphi study was conducted to gain consensus on the content of the educational programme for nurses in ABC and the results were published in the Nurse Education Today (Drury et al 2023). The final component of the project, a free online learning programme for nurses on the subject of ABC has been developed, implemented and evaluated (Dowling et al, 2023). The programme has been translated into 4 languages to date and has been accessed by 272 nurses since its launch in early 2023.

‘Breaking down barriers’ 

Research Team: 

Dr Kumaresan Cithambaram, Dr Deirdre Corby, Dr Liz Hartnett, Dr Sean Healy, Dr David Joyce.

The ‘Breaking down barriers’ study was funded by the National Screening Service in the Health Service Executive. It was undertaken to inform efforts to increase access to screening among disabled people in Ireland. It’s the first study of its type to be carried out in Ireland. The study sought to explore the needs of disabled people in accessing national screening services. This was the first study of its type to be carried out in Ireland. The study direction, scope and methodology was informed by National Screening Service staff members and an advisory committee consisting of disabled people. The study aimed to examine the perspectives and experiences of disabled people in accessing screening services and to assess factors that influence their uptake of, and participation of population-based screening programmes. Twenty disabled people participated in the study, representing those with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, physical impairment, visual impairment, and the Deaf community. In addition, five healthcare professionals and five family carers were involved in the study. This report identified the positive experiences of disabled people in accessing the screening services and the strategies the NSS adopted to improve access. Despite these efforts,disabled people still experience several issues and challenges in accessing screening services. The significant role of the NSS in promoting and implementing screening among eligible participants is highly valued among the participants. However, disabled people suggested the importance of collaborative work between the NSS, Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), and disability services to improve access to services.

The report can be accessed via this link


Dr Amanda Drury
  • Irish Research Council Early-Career Researcher of the Year Commendation Award. Irish Research Council, Dublin, Ireland, December 2023 

  • Seminars in Oncology Nursing, most downloaded paper 2023: How to Write a Comprehensive and Informative Research Abstract. Seminars in Oncology Nursing https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soncn.2023.151395, December 2023.

  • UICC Young Leader Fellowship, Union for International Cancer Control, Geneva, Switzerland, July 2023.

  • EANS Best Paper Award, European Academy of Nursing Science, Brussels, Belgium, July 2023.

  • IUSA Emerging Leader Award, The Ireland United States Alumni Association (IUSA) and U.S. Embassy Dublin, January 2023.

  • Chair of the 16th European Oncology Nursing Society Congress, Madrid, October 2023..

  • Panel Chair European Health Forum Gastein, Bad Gastein, Austria, September 2023.

Prof Anthony Staines
  • Appointed the MC of a new COST action project on data and migration as the Irish delegate.

Dr Mary Nevin
  • Irish Research Council Awards 2023- received a Research Ally award
16th International Family Nursing Conference, DCU-  IFNC16 - June 2023

330 delegates from 30 countries attended the IFNC16 conference in DCU with delegates travelling from as far afield as Japan and Australia. The IFNC16 conference co-chairs were Professor June Horowitz, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA, and Professor Sarah O’Neill, University of Plymouth, UK and Prof Veronica Lambert, DCU was the conference organiser. The theme of the conference was "Global Innovations in Family Nursing: Advancing Family Health."

The conference, which is held every two years, is the most important global conference in the field of family nursing. It was intended to be held in Dublin in 2021, but went online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The conference involved break-out sessions, posters, workshops and keynote speakers, with an additional 40 delegates attending remotely. The keynote speakers discussed a variety of pertinent family nursing topics, including promoting mental health for children and families, care of the elderly and family health policy internationally. 

The 16th European Public Health (EPH) Conference, Dublin November 2023

The 16th European Public Health (EPH) Conference, which is the largest public health conference in Europe was hosted in the Convention Centre Dublin, from 8 – 11 November 2023. Organized by the EPH Conference Foundation, chaired by Prof. Anthony Staines, this in-person event brought together 2,450 delegates from over 85 countries worldwide, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and insights.

The conference delved into critical topics surrounding the intersection of food, health, and environmental sustainability, offering a platform for thought leaders to share their perspectives and research. The conference provided a platform for participants to share their research, ideas, and experiences on achieving a sustainable future for humanity through our food, health, and the earth.

4th DCU Supervision Conference: Pathways to Reflection 19th & 20th May 2023 

The 4th biennial DCU Supervision Conference was held on 19/20th May, co-hosted by Dr. Aisling McMahon and Dr. Stephanie Finan. It was very successful and well attended, providing a range of national and international keynote speeches, masterclass workshops and roundtable discussions of relevance to counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, social care workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, doctors, teachers and other helping professionals engaged in clinical supervision.

Development Studies Association Ireland annual conference- 25th and 26th of October.

Development Studies Association Ireland annual conference was hosted by DCU and held at the St Patrick’s DCU campus on the 25th and 26th of October. As Chair of the Steering Committee for the DSAI Dr Pieternella Pieterse led the organisation of the very successful conference. DCU's Professor Derek Hand welcomed the participants on behalf of the University  one the first day, and Dr Kenneth McDonnagh Head of School of Law and Government welcomed the audience on the second day.

On the first day there was  in-depth panel discussion on how to be link researchers with intentional development NGOs and the respective funding bodies with input from Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Marie Sklodowska-Curie scholarship representative at the Irish University Association and Campus Engage, and the representative of the Irish NGO umbrella body Dochas. On the full day of the conference there were two excellent keynote speakers who both spoke about the positives and perils of digital development; Dr Silvia Masiero spoke on the use of digital IDs to provide access to government-subsidised food items for the poor in India, while Dr Samuel Ramani spoke about Russia's engagement in Africa, including its online disinformation campaigns.

There were ten parallel session with 4-6 research paper presentations each; SNPCH's Federico Saracini presented on his pilot study in Sierra Leone in the Nutrition & Health panel and a number of DCU Law & Government post-grad students and lecturers presented their work in other panels. Please see: https://www.dsaireland.org/updates/latest/highlights-from-dsai2023/ for photos, highlights and to watch back the recordings of the key conference events.

Kate Pleace

Kate Pleace provided an update on Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) and fertility care at the British Fertility Society Conference in Edinburgh. Her presentation covered an overview of POI, fertility treatment options for affected patients, and the impact of receiving a diagnosis of POI. The talk emphasized the importance of improved support and ongoing counseling for individuals with POI, given the condition's chronic nature. It also highlighted the need for a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to care from healthcare professionals, addressing challenges such as the lack of training and specialized clinics in this area.

The presentation also focused on Kate’s PhD research, which is looking at women’s lived experience of POI, using a phenomenological approach to look at the emotional impact of living with POI.  This research aims to provide valuable insights into the experiences of individuals with POI and contribute to a better understanding of how to support them effectively.

Dr Amanda Drury

Dr Amanda Drury delivered a keynote presentation titled Achieving integration in mixed methods health research at the X Iberoamerican Congress on Qualitative Research in Health. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Valladolid, Spain, November 2023. She also delivered an invited presentation - ABC4Nurses at the Advanced Breast Cancer Seventh International Consensus Conference, Lisbon, November 2023 and an oral presentation at the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, Japan, June 2023.

Dr Pieternella Pieters

European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (ETCMIH) in Utrecht 20-24 Nov 2023. Dr. Pieternella Pieterse presented preliminary findings of her collection visit to Sierra Leone at ECTMIH in Utrecht 20-24 Nov 2023. My presentation was titled: The increasing reliance on fully trained, unsalaried health workers in Sierra Leone: a case study from Port Loko District"


Two research exchange events were held in 2023 with staff and postgraduate students presenting on a breadth of research activity at each event. 

On 1st of June presentations were given by Anne Kirwan and Sara Raftery, Mary Nevin, Sabina Stan, Becca Murphy, Kate Pleace, Catriona Murphy, Anne Matthews, Carol Barron, Pamela Hussey and Ellen Pieterse.

7th December Kristie Akpevwe Egere (UGSI student) and Ray O’Neill,  Anna Connolly (PhD student),  Nigel Mulligan,  Marta Prandelli,  Aisling McMahon and  Stephanie Finan,  Gillian Paul,  Pieternella Pieterse,  Deirdre Corby


Dr Nipuna Thamanam was conferred with the award of PhD. The title of her thesis is A national study to measure nursing students cultural awareness and knowledge of death rituals practised by three world religions.Her supervisors were Professor Mary-Rose Sweeney and Dr Daniela Lehwaldt.

Dr Steve Bilham was conferred with the award of PhD. The title of his thesis is  "Does the presence of visible tattoos on nurses affect the therapeutic relationship" His supervisor was Dr Carol Barron.


Dr Gráinne Martin  was conferred with the award of  DPsych. The title of her thesis is "Overcoming Other-Orientation: A Theory of Transcending in Adulthood the Chaos of Parental Problem Drinking" Her supervisors were Dr Mark Philbin and Dr Rita Glover.


The following undergraduate students were awarded an Undergraduate Summer Internship to work with an academic on a short programme of research over the summer months.

Alexandra Fitzsimons  (BHS Year 3) under the guidance of Dr Catriona Murphy conducted a cross sectional survey on the Profile of DCU Age-Friendly University Participants, Activities and Interests

Kristie Akpevwe Egere (BHS Year 3) under the guidance of Dr Ray O’Neill conducted a literature review on EDI practices and content within curricula and syllabi of third level mental health education and training programmes

Elisabeta Gavril (BNID Year 3) under the guidance of Dr Liz Hartnett conducted a literature review on Supporting people with intellectual disabilities with the spiritual care dimension of holistic


A number of colleagues were successful in attracting research funding in 2023, some of the awards are outlined below:

Dr Rebecca Murphy

Dr Rebecca Murphy secured funding via the Health Research Board Applied Programme Grants (APRO) scheme as a co-applicant to implement "VISTA: VISion TAction for promoting mental health and recovery. An Implementation Science approach to "Sharing the Vision" - Ireland's national mental health policy".  The project is led by Prof David Cotter in RCSI- the research team includes Rebecca as well as colleagues from TCD, NUIG, UCC and the HSE. The total  funding awarded is >€2.4 million (€327,253.00 is the DCU proportion).

Prof Veronica Lambert

Prof Veronica Lambert (PI) received an Applied Partnership Award (€199,985)  from the Health Research Board to conduct the following study in partnership with Barrettstown:  Memory-making through therapeutic recreation for families of children with life-threatening conditions receiving palliative care at home: Adaptation of a digital storytelling legacy intervention.

Dr. Mary Nevin

Dr. Mary Nevin was awarded funding from the Irish Research Council through the New Foundations Awards 2022 for her project  "Integrating generalist level palliative care within specialist chronic illness management: A qualitative study of the perspectives of Clinical Nurse Specialists in chronic illness care"   

Dr Amanda Drury

Dr Amanda Drury was the following grants in 2023:

-Irish Research Council  Ulysses funding (€5,000)- Evidence-Based Interventions for People Living with Advanced Cancer at End-of-Life in the Emergency Department 

-Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Award with PhD student Sarah Sheehan 2023 (€111,000)- Health Literacy and Self-Management Behaviours in Prostate Cancer survivors 

-Irish Research Council New Foundations Award 2023 (€11,995)- Exploring the Unmet Needs of Older Adults with Haematological Malignancies

-Enterprise Ireland (EI ERC Support v2) (€20,348) Extending the Model of Healthcare factors influencing Quality of Life in Cancer Survivorship (MoHaQ-CS-Extended)

Dr Carol Barron 

Dr Carol Barron was awarded €16,000 from the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth (DoCEDIY) for a Scoping / Desk based review of research literature and policy documents on international best practices in the area of play and recreation policy and programmes.

Prof Anthony Staines

Prof Anthony Staines, in collaboration with Dr Sean Healy (UL) and Prof Mary Rose Sweeney (RCSI), received funding (€30,000) from the Special Olympics for the project "Leveraging Research and Advocacy to Make Health Systems More Inclusive of People with Intellectual Disabilities"

Dr Catriona Murphy, Dr Claire Timon  and Dr Pamela Hussey

Dr Catriona Murphy, Dr Claire Timon  and Dr Pamela Hussey were awarded €5000 from the DCU SATLE call to develop an interactive digital health hub based in the Clinical Education Centre (CEC) in SNPCH. The Digital Health Hub will model excellence in home based technology for simulation of practice, role playing and scenario building of self-management of chronic diseases in the community. This will drive teaching and learning innovation for undergraduate and postgraduate education of nurses and is in line with the recent regulatory (NMBI) and policy guidance for an all Ireland Digital Health Competency and Capability Framework.

Dr Amanda Drury (PI), Dr Mary Nevin and Dr Leona Bannon

Dr Amanda Drury (PI), Dr Mary Nevin (Co investigator) and Dr Leona Bannon (co-investigator) were successful in receiving funding from the Irish Research Council Ulysses 2024 scheme. They are partnering with The Sarbonne University, Paris, on the project, Exploring Evidence-Based Interventions to Support People Living with Advanced Cancer who Require End-of-Life Care in the Emergency Department.



Benson, A. Rawdon, C. Tuohy, E. Murphy, N. McDonnell, C. Swallow, V. Gallagher, P. Lambert, V. (2023) Relationship between parent–adolescent communication and parent involvement in adolescent Type 1 diabetes management, parent/family wellbeing and glycaemic control. Chronic Illness 10.1177/17423953231184423.


Boilson, A.M. Churchard, A. Connolly, M. Casey, B. Sweeney, M.R. (2023) Screening for Autism Spectrum Condition Through Inner City Homeless Services in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 10.1007/s10803-022-05669-x.


Boland, V. Drury, A. Brady, A.-M. (2023) Content comparison of unmet needs self-report measures for lymphoma cancer survivors: A systematic review PLoS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0290729.

Bowe, A.K. Lightbody, G. Staines, A. Murray, D.M. (2023) Big data, machine learning, and population health: predicting cognitive outcomes in childhood Pediatric Research 10.1038/s41390-022-02137-1.

Bowe, A.K. Lightbody, G. Staines, A. Murray, D.M. Norman, M. (2023) Prediction of 2-Year Cognitive Outcomes in Very Preterm Infants Using Machine Learning Methods JAMA Network Open10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.49111.

Bulgarelli, D. Bianquin, N. Barron, C. Emmett, M.-J.(2023) Outdoor play of children with and without disabilities. Insights from the Covid-19 pandemic in Ireland and Italy. European Journal of Special Needs Education.10.1080/08856257.2022.2089508

Byrne, J.-P. Creese, J. McMurray, R. Costello, R.W. Matthews, A. Humphries, N. (2023) Feeling like the enemy: the emotion management and alienation of hospital doctors Frontiers in Sociology. 10.3389/fsoc.2023.1232555

Callan, A. Corbally, M. McElvaney, R. (2023) A commentary on the challenges for nurses in identifying and responding to intimate partner violence amongst gay and bisexual men. Journal of Advanced Nursing.

Carey, E. Foran, S. Burke, G. Ryan, J. (2023) The Irish perspective on placement opportunities accessed by students on undergraduate Nursing (Intellectual Disability) programmes: A quantitative descriptive study.British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 10.1111/bld.12466

Das, S. Hussey, P. (2023) HL7-FHIR-Based ContSys Formal Ontology for Enabling Continuity of Care Data Interoperability Journal of Personalized Medicine.10.3390/jpm13071024

de Vries, J. Downes, C. Sharek, D. Doyle, L. Murphy, R. Begley, T. McCann, E. Sheerin, F. Smyth, S. Higgins, A. (2023) Irish transgender voices on mental health and mental health care. Mental Health and Social Inclusion.

Deegan, A. Brennan, C. Gallagher, P. Lambert, V. Dunne, S. (2023) Social support and childhood cancer survivors: A systematic review (2006–2022) Psycho-Oncology. 10.1002/pon.6128

Diez de los Rios de la Serna, C. Kotronoulas, G. Drury, A. Oldenmenger, W. Kelly, D. (2023) A rapid review of patient-reported outcomes investigated in the context of advanced renal cell cancer or advanced hepatocellular cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 10.1016/j.ejon.2022.102241

Dowling, M. Efstathiou, N. Drury, A. Semple, C. Fernández-Ortega, P. Brochstedt Dieperink, K. Pape, E. Kotronoulas, G. Miguel, S. Colomer-Lahiguera, S. Bağçivan, G. (2023) Cancer nursing research priorities: A rapid review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 10.1016/j.ejon.2023.102272


Dowling, M. Shewbridge, A. Ryan, C. Clancy, C. Meade, E. Sheehan, S. de La Serna, C.D.D.L.R. Bağçivan, G. Kotronoulas, G. Erdem, S. Aroyo, V. Radia, B. Wiseman, T. Drury, A. (2023) Development and Implementation of an Online Education Program on Advanced Breast Cancer for European Cancer Nurses: ABC4Nurses Project: a Brief Report Journal of Cancer Education. 10.1007/s13187-023-02319-3

Dowling, T. Kennedy, S. Foran, S. (2023) Who bears responsibility for the post-acute older adult: patient, family or State? British Journal of Community Nursing.10.12968/bjcn.2023.28.8.376

Drury, A. de Los Rios la Serna, C.D. Bağçivan, G. Dowling, M. Kotronoulas, G. Shewbridge, A. Sheehan, S. Erdem, S. Aroyo, V. Wiseman, T. (2023) Consensus views on an advanced breast cancer education curriculum for cancer nurses: A Delphi study. Nurse Education Today. 10.1016/j.nedt.2023.105757

Drury, A. Goss, J. Afolabi, J. McHugh, G. O’Leary, N. Brady, A.-M.(2023) A Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Pilot Multidisciplinary Breathlessness Support Service. Evaluation Review 10.1177/0193841X231162402

Drury, A. O'Brien, A. O'Connell, L. Cosgrave, S. Hannan, M. Smyth, C. Fessele, K. Harkin, M. Rogers, L. (2023) Setting a Patient-Driven Agenda for Cancer Research Priorities in Geriatric Oncology: A Qualitative Study Seminars in Oncology Nursing 10.1016/j.soncn.2023.151463

Drury, A. Pape, E. Dowling, M. Miguel, S. Fernández-Ortega, P. Papadopoulou, C. Kotronoulas, G. (2023) How to Write a Comprehensive and Informative Research Abstract Seminars in Oncology Nursing 10.1016/j.soncn.2023.151395

Drury, A. Parreira, S.T. de los Rios, C.D. (2023) Preparation and Evaluation of a Professional Development Series for Early-Career Oncology Nurses in Europe Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 10.1188/23.CJON.92-97

Drury, A. Sheila, P. Anne-Marie, B. (2023) Adapting the Pillar Integration Process for Theory Development: The Theoretical Model of Healthcare Factors Influencing Quality of Life in Cancer Survivorship Journal of Mixed Methods Research 10.1177/15586898221134730

Drury, A. Sulosaari, V. Sharp, L. Ullgren, H. de Munter, J. Oldenmenger, W. (2023) The future of cancer nursing in Europe: Addressing professional issues in education, research, policy and practice European Journal of Oncology Nursing 10.1016/j.ejon.2023.102271

Egan, R. Philbin, M. (2023) ‘It’s not disrespect–it’s putting you at risk’: when right meets risk in the field of cycling research & policy.Health, Risk and Society.10.1080/13698575.2022.2138278 Geoghegan, N. O'Loughlin, M. Delaney, C. Rochfort, K.D. Kennedy, M. Kolagatla, S. Podhorska, L. Rodriguez, B.J.

Florea, L. Kelleher, S.M. (2023) Controlled degradation of polycaprolactone-based micropillar arrays. Biomaterials Science. 10.1039/d3bm00165b

Giannouli, M. Panagiotidis, K. Rochfort, K.D. Grintzalis, K. (2023) Development and application of a sensitive feeding assay for daphnids based on the ingestion of fluorescent microparticles. Environmental Science: Advances 10.1039/d3va00116d

Gilmartin, D. McElvaney, R. Corbally, M. (2023) “Talk to me like I’m a human” An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the psychotherapy experiences of young people in foster care in Ireland Counselling Psychology Quarterly10.1080/09515070.2022.2062702


Goodall, M. Irving, K. Nevin, M. (2023) The recognition, assessment and perceptions of total pain in people with profound intellectual disabilities: A mixed methods systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 10.1111/jar.13132

Harris, V. Glover, R. Philbin, M. (2023) Revealing the Unknown: Supervisors’ Perspectives on Using Creative Techniques in Supervision. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health. 10.1080/15401383.2023.2247330

Kakavas, D. Panagiotidis, K. Rochfort, K.D. Grintzalis, K. (2023) Surface-to-Volume Ratio Affects the Toxicity of Nanoinks in Daphnids. Stresses. 10.3390/stresses3020035


Kirwan, A. Raftery, S. Gormley, C. (2023) Sounds good to me: A qualitative study to explore the use of audio to potentiate the student feedback experience. Journal of Professional Nursing.10.1016/j.profnurs.2023.03.020

Koskinen, S. Brugnolli, A. Fuster-Linares, P. Hourican, S. Istomina, N. Leino-Kilpi, H. Löyttyniemi, E. Nemcová, J. Meyer, G. De Oliveira, C.S. Palese, A. Rua, M. Salminen, L. Sveinsdóttir, H. Visiers-Jiménez, L. Zeleníková, R. Kajander-Unkuri, S. (2023) A successful nursing education promotes newly graduated nurses’ job satisfaction one year after graduation: a cross-sectional multi-country study. BMC Nursing.10.1186/s12912-023-01438-y

Kostyunina, D.S. Rowan, S.C. Pakhomov, N.V. Dillon, E. Rochfort, K.D. Cummins, P.M. O'Rourke, M.J. McLoughlin, P. (2023) Shear Stress Markedly Alters the Proteomic Response to Hypoxia in Human Pulmonary Endothelial Cells. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.10.1165/rcmb.2022-0340OC

Kovič, D. McMahon, A. (2023) Building trust: supervisees’ experience of power dynamics in transdisciplinary workplace supervision. Journal of Social Work Practice.10.1080/02650533.2022.2162491

Kukkonen, P. Koskinen, S. Fatkulina, N. Fuster, P. Lehwaldt, D. Löyttyniemi, E. Salminen, L. Stubner, J. Sveinsdóttir, H. Leino-Kilpi, H. (2023) Nurse managers’ assessments about nursing education and work life's competence demands: A European multi-country cross- sectional survey. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research.10.1177/20571585221135304

Lafferty, A. Phillips, D. Fealy, G. Paul, G. Duffy, C. Dowling-Hetherington, L. Fahy, M. Moloney, B. Kroll, T. (2023) Making it work: a qualitative study of the work-carereconciliation strategies adopted by family carers in Ireland to sustain their caring role. Community, Work and Family. 10.1080/13668803.2022.2043826

Lateef, R. Alaggia, R. Collin-Vézina, D. McElvaney, R. (2023) The Legacy of Shame following Childhood Sexual Abuse Disclosures. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.

Leahy, R. Rochfort, K.D. Whyte, E. Kontos, A.P. Collins, M.W. O'Connor, S. (2023) Concussion in Ladies Gaelic Football: Self-reported History, Clinical Profiles, and Management Behavior. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine.10.1097/JSM.0000000000001090


Leahy, R. Whyte, E. Rochfort, K.D. Kontos, A.P. Collins, M.W, Connor, S. (2023) Factors associated with concussion management behavior in Ladies Gaelic Football players. Brain Injury. 10.1080/02699052.2023.2222643

Long, S. Irving, K. Murphy, C. (2023) Is therapeutic lying contradictory to person-centred care? Toward understanding the connection. Aging and Mental Health. 10.1080/13607863.2023.2202632

Manikandan, N.A. McCann, R. Kakavas, D. Rochfort, K.D. Sreenilayam, S.P. Alkan, G. Stornetta, T. McGivern, A.R. Grintzalis, K. Friedrich, B. Foley, G. Brabazon, D. Freeland, B. (2023) Production of Silver Nano-Inks and Surface Coatings for Anti-Microbial Food Packaging and Its Ecological Impact. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

McElvaney, R. Monaghan, A. Treacy, C. Delaney, N. (2023) Adolescents' experiences of psychotherapy following child sexual abuse. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome. 10.4081/ripppo.2023.630

McEvoy, M. McElvaney, R. Glover, R. (2023) Vaginismus in Irish Culture. Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences.10.1007/978-3-031-36550-8_8

McGill, L. McElvaney, R. (2023) Adult and Adolescent Disclosures of Child Sexual Abuse: A Comparative Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.10.1177/08862605221088278

Mckee, M. Staines, A. (2023) Brexit: reality bites for health on the island of Ireland. European Journal of Public Health.10.1093/eurpub/ckac178

McKeown, D. McCourt, A. Hendrick, L. O'Farrell, A. Donohue, F. Grabowsky, L. Kavanagh, P. Garvey, P. O'Donnell, J. O'Connor, L. Cuddihy, J. Robinson, M. O'Reilly, D. Staines, A. Johnson, H. (2023) COVID-19 incidence and outcome by affluence/deprivation across three pandemic waves in Ireland: A retrospective cohort study using routinely collected data. PLoS ONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0287636

Meloni, F. Benavente, Y. Becker, N. Delphine, C. Foretova, L. Maynadié, M. Nieters, A. Staines, A. Trobbiani, C. Pilia, I. Zucca, M. Cocco, P. (2023) Lifetime occupational and recreational physical activity and risk of lymphoma subtypes. Results from the European Epilymph case-control study. Cancer Epidemiology. 10.1016/j.canep.2023.102495