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School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health


Primary Department
School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health
Academic Staff - Mental Health Nursing
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

I am an Assistant Professor in Mental Health Nursing in the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health at DCU. I initially trained as a mental health nurse. I practised for eight years in various mental health care settings, including adult inpatient services, and then moved to community services working as a community mental health nurse. While working as a mental health nurse, I was completing a PhD at DCU part-time. I took up this full-time academic post at DCU in 2014 after I had completed my PhD. I lecture on both the undergraduate and post-graduate programmes, which have facilitated the development of my teaching and research interests. My teaching and research interests focus on contemporary mental health nursing practice and community-engaged research.


Research interests

My research interest focuses on contemporary mental health nursing practice and community-engaged research. 

 Current Project- (2021-2024).  I am part of an Erasmus+ project on cooperation partnership in adult education. There are four international partners, and DCU is the coordinating institute. The project aims to embed an emancipatory educational framework in communities for people marginalised and excluded because of mental health and substance misuse issues. An ecological community trauma lens underpins this project. 

Previous Projects 
The COMMUNE project focused on the co-production of mental health education for nursing students. This Erasmus Plus strategic partnership funded project involved working with mental health service users (Experts by Experience) throughout all stages of the research process (grant application - data collection - data analysis - intervention design).Building Relational Capacity in Parents and Children in Ballymun-Evaluating YB Infant Mental Health Interventions. (IRC Project). Young Ballymun (YB) provides a range of interventions to build the relationship between parents and children, enhancing their relational capacity and promoting resilience. This project will establish the experiences and perceptions of parents and professionals on the relevance and benefits (acceptability) of these interventions.