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School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health


Primary Department
School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health
Academic Staff - Psychotherapy
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Dr Ray O’NEILL is an 

Assistant Professor in Psychotherapy in the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health. He also is a registered practitioner as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist with both APPI and the ICP.

His research work and clinical practice has been around male sexual abuse survivors, EDI intersectional concerns in Mental Health systems, education and individual's lives, the LGBTQ community, and transgenerational trauma within an Irish context.

Ray has written extensively on the gay minoritised position for both services users and service providers within mental health discourses and practices with his doctoral research with DCU exploring the subjectivities involved and imposed on men in being called ‘homosexual’.

As one of Ireland’s few male Agony Aunts, Ray works significantly (and sometimes with significance) with the media in discoursing love, relationships, and desire in the twenty-first century, as a regular contributor to The Ray Darcy Show, and his co-fronting of the RTE television show Then Comes Marriage.
Current research explores the relationships between shame and personal and cultural identities; and the individual and collective transmission of trauma across generations, with particular emphasis on impacts of the Irish Famine experience.

Research interests

Ray has written extensively

on the gay minoritised position for both services users and service providers within mental health discourses and practices with his doctoral research with DCU exploring the subjectivities involved and imposed on men in being called ‘homosexual’.
Current research explores the relationships between shame and personal and cultural identities; and the individual and collective transmission of trauma across generations, with particular emphasis on impacts of the Irish Famine experience.

I welcome applications from prospective PhD students in psychotherapy or mental health studies topics particularly those pertaining to 

1) EDI engagements in Mental Health in Ireland

2) The experiences and impacts of Transgenerational Trauma

3) Psychosexuality, Relationships and GSRD practices

I have so far enjoyed co-supervising the following DPsych dissertation: The ‘Virtual’ Child: Unconscious Functions of Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM). A Psychoanalytic Narrative Inquiry. (2023) https://doras.dcu.ie/27919

I am currently co-supervising another two DPsych doctoral research projects on: “