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School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health


Primary Department
School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health
Academic Staff - General Nursing
Phone number: 01 700
Glasnevin Campus
Room Number

Academic biography

Lecturer in Nursing. My early nursing experiences were in Ireland where I qualified as a Registered General Nurse (Hons) (Cork University Hospital) and a Registered Midwife (St Finbarr's Hospital, Cork). I then moved to England where I worked initially as a medical-surgical nurse. I then moved to Australia and worked in Neonatal and Paediatric Intensive Care where I first become involved in Nurse Education. I spent a number of years in Australia during which I specialised in Intensive Care nursing across the life span. When I returned to Ireland I worked in number of Intensive Care units including Kerry, Mater Hospital, Cork University Hospital before moving into nurse education and graduating with a BNS (UCD) in 1998 and M.Sc. (RCN) in 2006. I was a Nurse Tutor initially in Beaumont Hospital for a short period in 1998 moving to Connolly Hospital in 1999. In 2002 I moved to England and taught at the School of Health Studies, Homerton College, Cambridge until 2003. On my return to Ireland I returned to Intensive Care Nursing 2002 returning to education in 2008 taking up my post as a lecturer in the School of Nursing and Human Sciences in DCU. Professional/Academic Qualifications: MSc. (2006) BNS (1998) Registered Nurse Tutor (1998) Critical Care Registered Nurse (1992) Registered Midwife (1987) Registered General Nurse (1985)

Research interests

Enquiry - based learning, peer instruction, educational approaches to large group teaching Wound care