NS5129 | Adult Physical Assesssment and Intervention
Module summary
This is a level 9 (Masters Level) 10 ECTS credit stand-alone module, accredited by DCU and approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).
This module will develop students knowledge and skills in history taking and advanced clinical assessment, including observation, physical examination techniques and detecting clinical deterioration. Students will advance their communication and interaction skills in all populations, including individuals with an intellectual disability and impaired cognition. They will develop their skills in multidisciplinary collaboration and trans-sectoral communication at the level of a specialist nurse. The advanced physical assessment components of this module will mainly focus on the four major systems e.g. cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological.
Cost of module
The cost is €1,250.
Deadline for applications
Your application must include the application form, CV, passport size photo in JPG/ PNG format, one form of identification.
- Deadline is 5.00 pm, Friday 28th June 2024.
For further information on the module please contact: science@dcu.ie