Inaugural presentation of the BSc in Health and Society final year research projects
March 3rd marked the inaugural presentation of the BSc in Health and Society final year research projects. Hosted in the Nursing Building, the exhibition hosted over forty posters which detailed the individual, year-long, low-risk, health-related research studies carried out by the final year undergraduate students of the program. Diverse and broad in the topics on show, among the studies presented were those examining the male view of the male contraceptive pill, e-cigarette use, sleep patterns in athletes, current attitudes towards sunbed use, experiences of family members caring for a relative with a chronic illness, and Irish women’s experience of the workplace during menopause, to name but a few.
''On first realising the challenge that faced me to manage a thesis, I felt apprehensive and unsure that I could do it. I was reassured by the layout or plan that was put to us by our coordinator, Carol. We were given a timeline to follow with deadlines foreach section, this made it easier to follow as breaking it down into parts was more manageable and not so overwhelming. It was then a matter of doing each part at the expected times and though it was still tough, it was doable, especially whilst knowing that I had a supervisor to turn to for reassurance and constructive criticism. I feel proud that I've completed it and it makes me feel that most projects can be tackled if they are well planned and organised. Thank you to DCU Health & Society coordinators for this challenging, yet enriching experience.''
Janette Laffan

Health and Society Students Shine the Spotlight on Current Topics and Trends Influencing Global Health
Dr. Carol Barron; the dissertation module coordinator said “The students have all worked really hard over the last year on their individual research projects, and their presentations today demonstrate the wide variety of low-risk, health-related research that the students in the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy, and Community Health are capable of undertaking to a very high standard, under the excellent supervision of highly motivated and dedicated academic staff within the school.

Health and Society Students Shine the Spotlight on Current Topics and Trends Influencing Global Health
Dr. Keith Rochfort; the BSc in Health and Society Programme Chair added “Seeing the students discuss and explain their studies, many of which are areas they are personally passionate about - it was incredible. There was an amazing atmosphere generated by the students who themselves thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to share their experiences and study outcomes with the staff and students of the University who attended today. The event has been such an incredible success for the programme and I can see it becoming a mainstay - I’m looking forward to those to come in the future.”