School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health

Supervision in the Helping Professions - Peter Hawkins, Aisling McMahon

Dr Aisling McMahon
This globally bestselling book provides a comprehensive guide to clinical supervision practice for helping professionals from various disciplines. As there has been a strong growth in research on supervision practice over the last 10 years, this new edition has been thoroughly updated to include insights from contemporary research and literature, providing supervisors with an accessible and well-informed grounding for their work.
Highlights of this new edition include:
- Deeper consideration of the challenges of working as helping professionals in current times
- Updated guidance for supervisors and supervisees on best practice and making the most of supervision
- An updated chapter on the Seven-eyed model
- A revised chapter on running supervisor training programmes, including guidance for training supervisors in using the Seven-eyed model
- A new chapter on development of supervision across professions, including invited contributions from practitioners from 11 different disciplines
- A new chapter offering a comprehensive review of research on supervision, focusing on application to practice
You can buy the book from McGrawHill Education Publishing
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