Autism Spectrum Disorders in the EU (ASDEU) surveys
Researchers at Dublin City University are working on a study called Autism Spectrum Disorders in the EU (ASDEU) in collaboration with a large group of researchers across different countries in the EU. Further details of the wider project can be found at the project website http://asdeu.eu/
As part of this study we are launching 3 surveys in Ireland to find out more about
- the costs of living with autism
- diagnosis, treatment and services for children with autism
- services and supports for adults with autism
The surveys have been translated into 12 other languages so that the same information can be collected in the other countries participating in this study for the purposes of cross-country comparisons.
We are inviting people with autism, their family carers and professionals working in the area of autism services to complete the online surveys available at http://asdeu.eu/. To complete the surveys please follow the instructions supplied on the website. Please make sure to select the surveys for Ireland.
All responses will be gathered anonymously and cannot be linked back to you. The completed surveys will be returned to our partners in this research
- Dr. Lidia García Pérez, Fundación Canaria de Investigación Sanitaria (FUNCANIS), Santa Cruz de Tenerife
- Professor Diana Schendel, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Professor Ricardo Canal Bedia, who is based at the University of Salamanca in Spain.
who will analyse the data and write up the findings of the research.
We ask you to share this invitation with other people with autism, their family carers and colleagues who work in the area of autism.
The study has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee at DCU. The principal investigator of this study is Dr. Mary Rose Sweeney. If you have any queries about this research please contact her at maryrose.sweeney@dcu.ie or by phone at 087 9290655.
If you wish to contact an independent person about the research at DCU, please contact the ethics committee at DCU by using the following email REC@dcu.ie
If you experience any distress as a result of completing the surveys a counselling service is available to you at the Healthy Living Centre at DCU. Please contact the Healthy Living Centre to avail of this on 01 700 7171 or by email hlc@dcu.ie