Erasmus Exchange Programme

International Placement Opportunities

The School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health has partnerships all over the world presenting exciting opportunites for international practice placement expereinces.  We have international exchange agreements in countries such as Malta, Finland and Tanzania. These present wonderful opportunities for students to travel and experience practice placements outside of Ireland. For more information on the opportunities available and the application process, go to the different sections below.

The School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health has Erasmus exchange agreements with the following universities:

There are opportunities for exchange in each of these universities.

Get ready to embark on the ultimate adventure in your academic journey with the Erasmus Exchange Programme. Imagine breaking free from the ordinary and diving headfirst into a whirlwind of excitement, learning, and cultural discovery. Erasmus is not just a study abroad opportunity; it’s a passport to a world where every day is a chance to explore, connect, and grow. Picture yourself living in a new city, making friends from all corners of the globe, and gaining a fresh perspective on your studies. Whether you’re craving the buzz of a vibrant city or the tranquillity of a picturesque town, Erasmus opens doors to endless possibilities. Don’t miss out on the chance to turn your college years into a thrilling global adventure – join Erasmus and redefine your education in the most unforgettable way!

The Erasmus exchange programme at the School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health is open for application to all 2nd year nursing students and takes place in semester 1 of 3 rd year. It is a minimum of 9 weeks and is a placement only exchange. This means you will be on placement in a service/hospital and this placement will align with your placement requirements here at DCU.


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United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 03
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 03
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The School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health at DCU presents student  registered on the Bachelors in Childrens and General Nursing with a unique opportunity to undertake a 4 week practice placement experience in the Muhimbili Paediatric hospital in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. This placement is facilitated by a strong partnership between the The School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health at DCU, Childrens Health Ireland and the charity Their Lives Matter (TLM).

This programme is opne for applciation from students currently in 2nd year and who are registered on the Bachelors in Childrens and General Nursing. It consists of a 4 week practice placement only where you will be on placement in the paediatroc oncology wards in the Muhimbili Paediatric hosptial in Dar Es Salaam. 


United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 03
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 03
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 04
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 04
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17




The School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health at DCU presents an exciting opportunity for students registered on any of the nusing programmes to particpate in a week long practice placement in Lourdes, France. This is facilitated by a partnership between  the Irish Association of Lourdes Volunteers and The School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health. Students will undertake a placement supporting people with a variety of  health needs to travel to and from Lourdes and assist the nursing and medical teams while there. 

Students will be invited to apply for the Erasmus Exchange Programme in the first semester of year 2 of the BNG, BNCG, BNID and BNPY study programmes. A closing date for receipt of applications will be set towards the end of Semester 1 of Year 2.

Students will be asked to complete an expression of interest application and to self-assess against the following criteria:

  • Has passed all academic modules at first attempt to date (subject to completion of all modules at June PABs in Year 2)?
  • Has completed all clinical placements with no outstanding time?
  • Has passed all clinical learning outcomes and competencies in the first attempt?
  • Has no more than one week of uncertified or any unaccounted absence from practice placements?

Students should also have demonstrated a good level of engagement with their programme of study and have engaged well with lecturers, colleagues, peers and practice placement staff. Shortlisted students will be asked to submit a personal statement outlining their motivation and purpose in participating in the exchange programme.