ePortfolio Project
Enhancing staff and student confidence and competence in using ePortfolios
The School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health is part of a funded project to enhance staff and student competence and confidence in using eportfolios and reflective learning. Information about the National Forum funding can be found here: https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/project/e-portfolios-and-reflective-…
School champions: Dr Daniela Lehwaldt, Mr Patrick Doyle
ePortfolio webinar (12th March 2021)
The past academic year has presented many challenges, but it has also given opportunities to develop teaching methods by fully utilising available technologies. DCU has enabled the use of ePortfolios for several years, and our presenters below discussed, at the ePortfolio webinar (Friday, 12th March at 2pm), how ePortfolios have enriched their teaching and their students’ learning within our School.
Running order:
- Overview - Mr Patrick Doyle (1 min)
- Introduction to webinar - Dr Daniela Lehwaldt (5 mins)
- Health & Society experience - Professor Anne Matthews (12mins)
- Nursing Undergraduate experience - Dr Melissa Corbally (12 mins)
- Nursing Masters experience - Dr Daniela Lehwaldt (5 mins)
- Student voice - Jennifer Doyle (10 mins)